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Found 3890 Results for letter
Letter CXLVIII. To Leo Augustus.

Letter CXLVIII. To Leo Augustus.Letter CXLVIII. To Leo Augustus.(Thanking him for assurances made that he would guard the interests of the Church.)...

Letter CLVIII(1)

Letter CLVIII(1) Letter CLVIII(1) To Antiochus. MY sins have prevented me from carrying out the wish to meet you, which I have long entertained. Let...

Letter CXI. To Marcian Augustus.

Letter CXI. To Marcian Augustus.Letter CXI. To Marcian Augustus.(About Anatolius' mistake in deposing Actions from the office of archdeacon and puttin...

Letter CXV. To Pulcheria Augusta.

Letter CXV. To Pulcheria Augusta.Letter CXV. To Pulcheria Augusta.(Commending her pious zeal and informing her of Iris assent to the acts of Chalcedon...

Letter CXLII. To Marcian Augustus.

Letter CXLII. To Marcian Augustus.Letter CXLII. To Marcian Augustus.(Inter alia thanking him for the trouble he has taken about the Easter of 455.)...

Letter CCCII.

Letter CCCII.Letter CCCII. To the wife of Briso. [Consolatory on the death of her husband. These three consolatory letters present no features differe...

Letter LXXXIII. To the Same Marcian.

Letter LXXXIII. To the Same Marcian.Letter LXXXIII. To the Same Marcian.(Congratulating him on his benefits to the Church, and deprecating a Synod as ...

Letter CXIV. To the Bishops Assembled in Synod at Chalcedon.

Letter CXIV. To the Bishops Assembled in Synod at Chalcedon.Letter CXIV. To the Bishops Assembled in Synod at Chalcedon.(In answer to their Letter (XC...

Letter XXXVI. To Flavlan, Bishop of Constantinople.

Letter XXXVI. To Flavlan, Bishop of Constantinople.Letter XXXVI. To Flavlan, Bishop of Constantinople.(He acknowledges the receipt of Flavian's second...

Letter III. From Paschasinus, Bishop of Lilybaeum.

Letter III. From Paschasinus, Bishop of Lilybaeum.Letter III. From Paschasinus, Bishop of Lilybaeum.(About the keeping of Easter in 444; recommending ...

Letter CX. From Marcian Augustus.

Letter CX. From Marcian Augustus.Letter CX. From Marcian Augustus.(Expressing surprise that Leo has not by now confirmed the acts of the Synod, and as...

Letter CLI. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.

Letter CLI. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.Letter CLI. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.(He is to keep the church of Constantinople free...

Letter CLII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.

Letter CLII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.Letter CLII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.(Charging him to see that the preceding letters reach their destination.)...

Letter CLIII. To Aetius, Presbyter ,of Constantinople.

Letter CLIII. To Aetius, Presbyter ,of Constantinople.Letter CLIII. To Aetius, Presbyter ,of Constantinople.(Asking him to assist in the distribution ...

Letter CLVII. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.

Letter CLVII. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.Letter CLVII. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.(Urging him to active measures in certain sp...

Letter CXLIII. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.

Letter CXLIII. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.Letter CXLIII. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.(Briefly asking him to extirpate all remai...

Letter XLVII. To Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica.

Letter XLVII. To Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica.Letter XLVII. To Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica.(Congratulating him on being present at the sy...

Letter XCII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.

Letter XCII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.Letter XCII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.(Asking him to act as one of his representatives at the Synod.) ...

Letter XCVI. To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.

Letter XCVI. To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.Letter XCVI. To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.(Requesting him to keep Easter on March 23 in 452.)...

Acts 23:25

Acts 23:25 And he wrote a letter after this manner.] The chief captain wrote a letter to Felix the governor, the form and sum of which were as follow;...