Search Results for matt 11

Found 75 Results for matt 11
10 Women in the Bible Who Exceeded Expectations

Kate Edwards

While plenty of women in the bible were strong, capable women, these ladies didn’t sit around waiting for someone else to get the job done. They feared God and lived faithfully. They did what they nee...

What Christians Need to Know about Fasting and Prayer

Heather Riggleman

Fasting and prayer are often linked together. Fasting without praying isn't fasting. It is dieting or deprivation. The only reason to fast is to make space for you to seek the Lord with greater urgenc...

7 Intentional Scriptures to Pray Over Your Year

Kristi Woods

Would you consider yourself an intentional person? The Bible has much to say about believers living lives of intentionality and purpose to the glory of God. Unfortunately, it's easier than ever for th...

Is the Whole Bible about Jesus?

Ed Jarrett

So, is the whole Bible about Jesus? The answer to that depends on the level you are viewing it from. At a high level, I believe that the whole story arc is about Jesus and what he came to do. But at a...

Does the Bible Say "He Became Sin Who Knew No Sin"?

Rylie Fine

Does the Bible say Jesus became sin who knew no sin? If so, what does it mean for us and for our relationship with God?...

When Is Ash Wednesday in 2022 and How Do We Celebrate it?

Emma Danzey

If you are wondering when is Ash Wednesday this year, we are only a few weeks away. February 17, 2021, is the day when many believers will recognize the beginning of Lent....

What Exactly Is a Theophany?

Mike Leake

If you see a picture of Jesus in your cheese toast does this qualify as a theophany? What about God appearing to Moses in a burning bush, is that one? When an angel appears to someone, do we use anoth...

Celebrating Easter through God’s Eyes

Dawn Wilson

Easter is not simply about the physical death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, though it is that. The perspective of the participants is important too. Just imagine all the vantage points — for go...

A Guide to What the Bible Really Says about Divorce

Liz Auld

As I began to look more deeply into Malachi 2:16, I found the context interesting. You see, the context is of the unfaithful spouse, the one who hurts his/her spouse deeply. It’s about being cruel to ...

10 Important Things the Bible Says about Death

Jennifer Slattery

Death. The very word can trigger images of darkness, men and women in black, of grief, and for some, fear. But God doesn’t want us to live in fear nor defeat. He wants us to live, and die, with the co...

All Saints' Day - The Meaning and History Behind November 1st Holiday

Alex Crain

We remember the saints and allow the memory of their faith to spur us on to deeper worship and greater service to the Lord. All Saints Day, also known as All Hallows' Day, or Hallowmas, is a Christian...

What Happens After Death? Understanding Where Your Soul Goes

Dr. Michael A. Milton

 “What happens to my soul when I die?” The question is not an esoteric inquiry into the unknowable. God has revealed to us in his word what happens to the human soul at the moment...

The Forever King: Seeing Jesus in 2 Samuel

Here in 2 Samuel, as we look at the king God put on the earthly throne over his people—the throne that was to be an earthy extension of his heavenly throne—we get a glimpse of the forever God intends ...

Thy Kingdom Come: The Prayer that Changes the World

The Lord’s Prayer can be rote, or it can become a divine force unleashing God’s glorious blessing. How is “Thy kingdom come” a prayer that literally changes the world? Pray then like this: “Our Fat...