Search Results for matt 18

Found 1205 Results for matt 18

Angel [E]Superhuman or heavenly being who serves as God's messenger. Both the Hebrew malak [J; 'm] and the Greek angelos [a [ggelo] indicate that thes...

Heaven, Heavens, Heavenlies

Heaven, Heavens, Heavenlies Heaven is the created reality beyond earth. The heavens and the earth ( Gen 1:1 ) circumscribe the entire creation, or wha...


Grave [N] [E] [S]Place where the physical remains of a deceased person are interred. It is the place appointed for all living ( Job 30:23 ). It is whe...


Zealot Recent studies seek to distinguish among several features of intertestamental Judaism to which the term zealot might be applied. The term could...

The Heidelberg Catechism

Q1: What is thy only comfort in life and death? That I with body and soul, both in life and death, ( rom 14:7 rom 14:8 ) am not my own, ( 1?Corinthia...

Good, Goodness

Good, Goodness The main Old Testament words for good/goodness come from the Hebrew word tob [b'f] while the most common New Testament words are kalos ...

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ [S]By anyone's account, Jesus of Nazareth is the most significant person who has ever lived.He has influenced more lives and had more wri...


Magic [N] [E]The Old Testament. Magicthe attempt to exploit supernatural powers by formulaic recitations to achieve goals that were otherwise unrealiz...


Endurance [N]Continuing Christian commitment in the face of difficulty. Born in a context of hostility, persecution, and the death of their Lord and h...


Justice [N] [T] [E](Heb. sedeq [q,d,x],mispat [f'P.vim];Gk. dikaiosyne [dikaiosuvnh]).God, the Righteous Judge. Justice is rooted in the very nature o...


Citizenship [E] [S]The concept of spiritual citizenship is most clearly expressed in Philippians 3:20, where Paul writes, Our citizenship (politeuma [...

Disciple, Discipleship

Disciple, Discipleship During Jesus' earthly ministry, and during the days of the early church, the term that was used most frequently to designate on...

Death of Christ

Death of Christ The Place in the Gospels. In the records of Jesus that the Gospels give us, it is clear that a place of supreme significance is given ...


Magistrate [N]a public civil officer invested with authority. The Hebrew shophetim, or judges, were magistrates having authority in the land ( Deutero...

Command, Commandment

Command, Commandment The term commandment in the Bible (mainly Heb. miswa [hw.xim]; Gk. entole [ejntolhv]) refers to orders or adjurations given by au...


Blindness [N] [S]Scripture often employs the imagery of blindness to describe the spiritual condition of persons who are either unable or unwilling to...

First Teaching in Parables

The same day. He left His house and sat by the sea- Matt. xiii. 1-52. side, and as the multitudes gathered to Him, He entered Mark iv. 1-34. a ship ...


Motives Motives pose at least a twofold dilemma: (1) the status of a good deed done for the wrong reason or an evil deed done with good (or even witho...

Jesus, the christ

Jesus, the christ HISTORY OFGenealogy of Matthew 1:1-17 ; Luke 3:23-38 Facts before the birth ofThe angel Gabriel appears to Mary (at Nazareth) ...

Mark 12

MARK. CHAPTER XII. A Day of Controversy. SUMMARY.--The Vineyard and the Wicked Husbandmen. Prophecy of the Calling of the Gentiles. The Herodian...