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Found 4390 Results for who do you say i am

Jesus the Keeper. 'The Lord is Thy keeper: . . . The Lord shall keep thee from all evil; ... He shall keep thy soul.'?Ps. exxi. 4, 7. 'I know Him wh...

Letter CCLXXII.(1)

Letter CCLXXII.(1) Letter CCLXXII.(1) To Sophronius the magister officiorum.(2) 1. It has been reported to me by Actiacus the deacon, that certain me...

Letter XII

LETTER XII. October 15, 1782. My Dear Child, IT is rather to your disadvantage that I have lately corrected a mistake I had made. I thought you wer...

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans Shorter and Longer Versions Ignatius, who is also called Theophorus, to th...

Letter XXVIII(1)

Letter XXVIII(1) Letter XXVIII(1) To the Church of Neocoesarea. Consolatory.(2) 1. What has befallen you strongly moved me to visit you, with the dou...

The Nature and Danger of Making Light of Christ and His Salvation

VII. THE NATURE AND DANGER OF MAKING LIGHT OF CHRIST AND HIS SALVATION. But they made light of it.?Matt. xxii. 5. This parable represents the gre...

Tractate XXXIX.

Tractate XXXIX.Tractate XXXIX. John VIII. 26, 27.1. The words of our Lord Jesus Christ, which He had addressed to the Jews, so regulating His discours...


YE ARE THE BRANCHES. AN ADDRESS TO CHRISTIAN WORKERS. Everything depends on our being right ourselves in Christ. If I want good apples, I must have ...

Letter CCXXXV.(1)

Letter CCXXXV.(1) Letter CCXXXV.(1) To the same, in answer to another question.I. Which is first in order, knowledge or faith ? I reply that generall...

Letter CCXXXI.(1)

Letter CCXXXI.(1) Letter CCXXXI.(1) To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium.I Find few opportunities of writing to your reverence, and this causes me no l...

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians Shorter and Longer Versions Ignatius, who is also called Theophorus,...

Letter XLIX. Letter to Dracontius(1) . Written a.d. 354 or 355.

Letter XLIX. Letter to Dracontius(1) . Written a.d. 354 or 355.Letter XLIX. Letter to Dracontius(1) . Written a.d. 354 or 355.I Am at a loss how to wr...

Sermon LXXXII. [CXXXII. Ben.]

Sermon LXXXII. [CXXXII. Ben.]Sermon LXXXII. [CXXXII. Ben.] On the words of the gospel, John vi. 55,For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink ...

Similitude Fifth

Similitude Fifth Similitude Fifth Of True Fasting and Its Reward: Also of Purity of Body. Chapter I.While fasting and sitting on a certain mountain, a...

Letter CCIV(1)

Letter CCIV(1) Letter CCIV(1) To the Neocaesarcans.(2) 1. [There has been a long silence on both sides, revered and well-beloved brethren, just as if...

2.1. An invitation

We invite the reader to journey along with us as we explore what the last book of the Bible, the book of Revelation1 has to say concerning a simple c...

Letter LXXIII(1)

Letter LXXIII(1) Letter LXXIII(1) To Callisthenes.1. When I had read your letter I thanked God; first, that I been greeted by a man desirous of doing...

Letter LXXXII(1)

Letter LXXXII(1) Letter LXXXII(1) To Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria. When I turn my gaze upon the world, and perceive the difficulties by which eve...

Letter CCXXIV.(1)

Letter CCXXIV.(1) Letter CCXXIV.(1) To the presbyter Genethlius.1. I have received your reverence's letter and I am delighted at the title which you ...

Sermon LII. [CII. Ben.]

Sermon LII. [CII. Ben.]Sermon LII. [CII. Ben.] On the words of the gospel, Luke x. 16, He that rejecteth you rejecteth me.1. What our Lord Jesus Crist...