Search Results for acts 27-28

Found 183 Results for acts 27-28
5.4. Sequence of Events

Scripture does not give great detail concerning the sequence of events during the Campaign of Armageddon. Most of the passages concerning this time a...

The Great Commission Given.

8-9. THE GREAT COMMISSION GIVEN. (Time and place same as last section.) a?MATT. 28:18-20; b?MARK 16:15-18; c?LUKE 24:46, 47. ? ? ? a?18 And...

Chapter III--The Decrees of God

CHAPTER III. THE DECREES OF GOD. I. Definition Of Decrees. By the decrees of God we mean that eternal plan by which God has rendered certain all t...

Providence of God

Providence of God The word providence comes from the Latin providentia (Gk. pronoia [provnoia]) and means essentially foresight or making provision be...

Abstain, Abstinence

Abstain, Abstinence Forbearance of certain activities as a matter of command and voluntary practice for moral and religious purposes. The word-group t...

Isaiah 58

CHAPTER 58 Isaiah 58:1-14 . REPROOF OF THE JEWS FOR THEIR DEPENDENCE ON MERE OUTWARD FORMS OF WORSHIP. 1. aloud--Hebrew, with the throat, tha...

Psalms 69

PSALM 69 Psalms 69:1-36 . language of prayer and complaint, the sufferer, whose condition is here set forth, pleads for God's help as one suf...

The London Baptist Confession

CHAPTER 1 - Of the Holy ScripturesThe Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain and infallible ruleof all saving knowledge, faith and obedience,(...

Revelation 1:7

He is coming The OT Scriptures predicted a ?coming one? (Deu. Deu. 18:15-18; Ps. Ps. 2:1; Ps. 22:1; Ps. 118:26; Isa. Isa. 9:6; Isa. 48:16; Isa. 53:1;...

Job 34

CHAPTER 34 Job 34:1-37 . 1. answered--proceeded. 2. This chapter is addressed also to the friends as the thirty-third chapter to Job alone....

Chronicles, Books of

Chronicles, Books ofThe two books were originally one. They bore the title in the Massoretic Hebrew Dibre hayyamim , i.e., Acts of the Days. This tit...



Color; Colors

COLOR; COLORS kul'-er, kul'-erz: The word translated color in the King James Version is `ayin, which literally means eye or appearance, and has been ...


Mary [N] [E] [H] [S]Mary, the mother of Jesus, is called theotokos by the church because her Son is the one and only Son of God, homoousios (consubsta...


Rulers (Appointed and removed by God)See GOVERNMENT, GOD INChastised Daniel 4 See NATIONMonarchicalSee KINGSPatriarchal Genesis 27:29 Genesis 27:...

Exodus 4

The Book of ExodusChapter 4Chapter Overview:This chapter, Continues and concludes God's discourse with Moses, concerning bringing Israel out of Egy...


Drink [N] [E]Palestine lacks fresh water rivers and lakes and its dependence upon rain after its yearly hot, dry period makes drought an ongoing possi...

Psalm 65:5

?EXPOSITIONVerse 5. By terrible things in righteousness wilt thou answer us, O God of our salvation. God's memorial is that he hears prayer, and his g...

Chapter VIII

CHAPTER VIII. PROVIDENCE. God's works of providence are his most holy, wise, and powerful, preserving and governing all his creatures, and all their...

The Double Predestination to Holiness and Sin

VIII. THE DOUBLE PREDESTINATION TO HOLINESS AND SIN The question whether there is a double predestination to both holiness and life and sin and deat...