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Found 195 Results for instruction
What Grows from a Healthy Fear of the Lord?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

Unlike harmful phobias, the fear of the Lord is most sensible, most wholesome, and most desired. How so? There are at least three revealed truths that stir a godly fear of the Lord....

How Can We Avoid Letting a Bitter Root Grow in Our Lives?

Heather Adams

The image of a sour root growing up among a body of believers was a powerful way to remind God’s people about the dangers of letting unforgiveness and discontent well up within our hearts. And if we’r...

What Exactly Is Intercessory Prayer?

Heather Adams

Intercessory prayer, sometimes called "standing in the gap," is essentially lifting up the needs and concerns of others to God. And it is an expression of agape, or selfless, love....

Does the Bible Have Anything to Say about Parenting?

Jason Soroski

We will all make mistakes. We will say or do the wrong thing and feel horrible about it later. We are human, and even when we are seeking Christ fervently, that humanity will still show up. Yet the Bi...

How Do We Know God Hears Our Prayers?

Jessica Brodie

God promises he hears our prayers. God does not lie. Indeed, God cannot lie (Numbers 23:19, Hebrews 6:18). He is only and always good, truth, light, and love, the almighty and perfect, now and forever...

9 Simple yet Powerful Tips to Help Your Kids Love Church

Lisa Loraine Baker

Everything you do will involve time and effort, but as your child grows in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus, their interest will also grow, and you may be blessed with an eager believer who h...

What Christians Should Know about Barnabas in the Bible

Jessica Brodie

Barnabas truly was a “man of encouragement.” He gave his life to the church and sacrificed much for the faith. He, along with Paul and other Christian leaders of his time, was instrumental in spreadin...

What Do We Know about Angels in the Bible?

Jason Soroski

The popular version of angels turns out to be pretty far off the mark. The Bible describes angels as neither the chubby babies found in Renaissance art, or our deceased relatives who sit around playin...

A Life-Giving Order: "Be Fruitful and Multiply"

Bethany Verrett

When something in the Bible is important, it's repeated. When something is really important, it's repeated multiple times. God's command for humanity to "be fruitful and multiply" can be found 10...

What It Looks Like to "Love One Another" as Jesus Loves Us

Pamela Palmer

One of Jesus' final commands before he went to the cross was "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." It sounds easy for us, but to the disciples and early church, this w...

Can I Tithe from a Rewards Credit Card?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Back in the day, tithing was a pretty simple process. You'd just put your cash or check in an offering plate. But with so many digital options these days, we have to ask - is it okay to tithe from a r...

What Does the Bible Say about Divorce?

DiAne Gates

A topical look at what scriptures have to say about divorce. ...

4 Ministries Churches Can Use to Reach More People

Heather Adams

God is always in the business of loving others, and Jesus showed us how. The four years of His earthly ministry were filled with teaching, healing, and taking care of practical needs of people aroun...

5 Benefits of Reading the Bible Daily with Your Kids

David Paul

If you’re like me and have several children who aren’t old enough to read well yet, reading the Bible to your kids should be a part of your daily routine. They have no other way to benef...

How to Overcome a Distorted View of God as a Father

Rachel Britton

As we think about this special relationship with God, we should remember our heavenly Father is not human (Numbers 23:19). “God is spirit” says John 4:24. Yet because God is Spirit, this can make Him ...

Is God Anti-Fun?

Ashley Hooker

God is not anti-fun. He is a God who desires for us to have an abundant life with joy and happiness. He created fun and His desire is for us to embrace it. He wants us to show others how good He is by...

Why Do We Say Christians Are "Born Again"?

Heather Adams

Many see being reborn and being saved as very closely related. Being saved means escaping God’s wrath because we have professed our faith in Jesus. At that moment, we are also reborn spiritually. Both...

Why Must We Do "Everything in Love"?

Pamela Palmer

We must do everything in love because it is an act of obedience to God, keeps our motives right, and guides us to be more like Jesus....

How Can I Help a Christian Caught in Sin?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

When a person is caught in sin, the restoration process may not be quick; it may be an enduring process. That’s why Paul encourages those who are spiritual and mature to engage in this process. I full...

How Can We 'Have Faith in God' When We're Ready to Quit?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

You must have faith in God for yourself. Do not let man limit what God can do for you. ...