Search Results for jerusalem

Found 478 Results for jerusalem
15 Things All Christians Should Know about Judaism

Bethany Verrett

Just because many people of Jewish descent have rejected Jesus, that does not mean God has turned His back on them. One of the beautiful prophecies in Revelation is that many Jews will turn to their t...

How Does Ezekiel’s Vision of Dry Bones Connect to Pentecost?

Ed Jarrett

I do not believe there are any “coincidences” in the Bible. I believe that the author of the Bible, God, is intentional in what he includes. And that much of the Old Testament is only understood fully...

How Can Faith Come by Hearing?

Lisa Baker

But faith comes by hearing. It can only come by hearing (Romans 10:17). The Apostle Peter, in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, spoke Scriptural truth as he quoted Joel and David....

Why It Is So Important to Remember Easter on Christmas

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Christmas is a unique time in the world. It's the only time of the year we hear songs about Jesus, our King of Kings, on the radio, in department stores, and on everyone's tongue. The world loves to c...

Who Is Mephibosheth and What Does His Life Teach Us about Unexpected Blessings?

Blair Parke

The story of Jonathan’s son Mephibosheth is one to be remembered for how King David honored a man he called a friend, even after his death, by caring for the needs of his disabled son. It’s also a rem...

What Should We Know about the Number 12 in the Bible?

Andy Lee

Have you wondered if numbers repeated in the Bible, like the number 12, have special meaning? ...

Who Was Isaiah and Why Is He Important?

Dawn Wilson

I have to admit something to my shame. I never read the book of Isaiah until 2017. Oh, I read and even memorized a few verses, but I was afraid to tackle the book, thinking it would be too difficult. ...

6 Ways the Holy Spirit Transforms Our Lives

Justin Torres

The Holy Spirit gives believers the power to live like Jesus and be bold witnesses for him. Of course, there are many ways he goes about doing this, so we’re going to talk about the most common ones.&...

3 Lessons Simeon and Anna Have for Us at Christmas

Brad Simon

In the heart of Jerusalem, the temple stood as a sacred sentinel against the Judean sky. Its towering pillars bore witness to generations of worshipers who ascended the temple steps. The sun-filled co...

21 Encouraging Lessons from the Book of Exodus

Jessica Brodie

Moses as a baby in a basket, floating down the river. Plagues of locusts and dead firstborn sons. A wild flight from Egypt, and a chase through the Red (or Reed) Sea. God handing down the Ten Commandm...

4 Miracle Prophecies Christians Should Know about Israel

Adrian Rogers

"Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion, for the time to favor her, yea, the set time is come. For Thy servants take pleasure in her stones and favor the dust thereof. So the heathen shall fear the...

Why Is “the Nation Whose God Is the Lord” Blessed?

Bethany Verrett

Songs of praise are written to glorify God, giving them a universality that allows them to be shared between believers across time, across languages, and across cultures. The Psalms have been translat...

What Does "Do unto Others" Mean in the Bible?

Danielle Bernock

The verse in the Bible, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is commonly known as The Golden Rule. It’s found in both Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31. Jesus said this Golden Rule “sums up th...

The Cautionary Tale of the Sanhedrin

Heather Adams

The Sanhedrin were the ruling governmental body during Jesus time. In the Bible, they are most famous for condemning Jesus to death in a sham trial. Their story is not a good one, but they were still ...

What Do We Know about the Gospel Writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

Brad Simon

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were not just names on the pages of the Bible; they were real people with extraordinary journeys. Behind their inspired words lie tales of personal sacrifice and steadfas...

What Is the History of Galilee and Why Was it Important to Jesus?

Meg Bucher (Megs)

Our Savior grew up in Nazareth, one of the major cities within Galilee. But what is the history of this land, not just in the gospels, but throughout the Bible? And how does that unique history and cu...

20 Inspiring Baby Names Found in the Bible

Emma Danzey

As believers in Christ, the Bible is always a popular place to go to find inspiration for a child’s name. However, maybe you or a loved one is looking for something a little more outside of the box....

Who Is Caiaphas in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

What does scripture say about Caiaphas? Joseph Caiaphas, a Sadducee, operated as the Jewish high priest in the Jerusalem temple, and he presided over the Sanhedrin during Jesus’ time on earth....

Why Does Jesus Curse the Fig Tree?

Bethany Verrett

The fig tree bore leaves too early in the season, but could not, or would not, bear fruit in kind. This is much like how Israel would go through periods of fruitlessness, and much like believers go th...

Who wrote Ecclesiastes? Bible Book Author and Meaning

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff