Search Results for job 26

Found 150 Results for job 26
5 Clear Reasons Pastors Must Preach on Domestic Violence

Mike Leake

Domestic abuse often isn’t on our radar. And because it’s not something we assume is happening in our congregations, we do not make application points about it. We preach a sermon on anger from Ephesi...

Does God Ever Change His Mind?

Changing our minds feels so natural to us as humans, it’s hard to envision life without it. But what would it mean for God to change his mind? Does he? Could he? Or are all his plans and purposes immu...

7 Weeks to Cultivate a Summer of Wonder with God

Dawn Wilson

The challenge is for seven weeks, but no matter how much time you spend meditating on these things, you will likely find yourself full of wonder, gratitude, and praise by summer’s end....

Why is the Resurrection so Important?

The physical resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of redemption—both for mankind and for the earth. Indeed, without Christ’s resurrection and what it means—an eternal future for fully resto...

Connecting the Bible with Real Life

On difficult or "modern" issues, we often treat the Bible as irrelevant. But there are answers in God's Word to even the toughest problems....

What Do Christians Really Believe?

Stephanie Englehart

Belief in the gospel changes everything. Before Christ, we are lost in a sinless world with no hope, no satisfaction, and no purpose. With Christ, we have new life and new desires....

In Times of Trouble, Remember Where Your Help Comes From

Dawn Wilson

God is the believer’s protector, guarding day and night both now and into eternity. He grips the believer’s hand and says, “Do not fear, I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13). He knows everything and watche...

Where Is the Garden of Eden?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The Garden of Eden was Heaven on earth - at least until the Fall of Man. The Bible records that Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden, and an angel with a flaming sword was set to guard its entranc...

Is There a Deeper Meaning to My Nightmares?

Hope Bolinger

In times of great stress and anxiety, many of us experience nightmares, and can wonder just what is going on. Is there a deeper meaning to these bad dreams, or is it just our body's natural response t...

What Pronoun Is Used for the Holy Spirit: He, She, or It?

Jessica Brodie

Whichever way we choose to refer to God does not change God’s nature, and it is the same with the Holy Spirit. As long as we are in full understanding that the Holy Spirit is a person, a full and comp...

What Does it Mean That 'God Is Not a Man That He Should Lie' in Num. 23:19?

Aaron Brown

"God is not a man that he should lie." God’s word is intended to edify his followers, from book to book, chapter to chapter, we read a number of stories with consistent messages about the benefits of ...

What Does "I Believe! Help My Unbelief!" Teach Us about Faith?

Andy Lee

Have you prayed, “I believe! Help my unbelief!”?...

What Grows from a Healthy Fear of the Lord?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

Unlike harmful phobias, the fear of the Lord is most sensible, most wholesome, and most desired. How so? There are at least three revealed truths that stir a godly fear of the Lord....

What Is a Leviathan Spirit and How Can You Identify It?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Much of what we know about the characteristics of a leviathan spirit come from theologians and biblical scholars. More than likely this type of spirit is linked to a principality. ...

All Things Subject to the Risen Christ

Marvel at the power of the risen Jesus today to subject all things to himself. Marvel that one day, at his coming, he will use this power to transform your body into a body like his. Marvel that today...

How Knowing Jesus Destroys Anxiety

Somehow we think we still have the power to mess things up. But God's care is not theoretical. It is intensely practical....

Who Was Dagon in the Bible, and What Happened to This Idol?

Britt Mooney

Dagon in the Bible was a major focus of worship in the area, and God dealt with this idol a few times in the historical narrative....

How Christians Become Better Together

Frank Santora

If we are going to reach our potential as individuals and as the Body of Christ, and fulfill the assignment that God has for us, we must embrace the power of team. ...

Is the Bible Trustworthy?

Bill Bright

Do you accept the Bible as absolute truth? Do you know the peace and blessing that comes from living its supernatural, life-transforming message?...

When God Calls

The man Jonah is indeed like us in a number of ways. Learning to identify with him is our key to the meaning of his story—and our big mistake if we fail to do so....