Search Results for know believe

Found 102 Results for know believe
Ten Temptations of a Leader

Dr. Bill Lawrence

Every time we fall into one of the temptations, we end up short-circuiting our purpose, sinning against God, harming others, and deceiving ourselves into thinking we are doing well....

Beware Tuneless Preaching

Part One of a Series on Preaching and Trinitarian Worship...

Two Reasons Why Christians Gossip

Think of how many times you have believed something to be true only to find out the information was totally wrong. Vaccinate yourself with some scriptural truths about gossip....

Catch-and-Release Preaching

Are there similarities between fishing and preaching? Jesus thought so, but He wasn't talking about catch-and-releast fishing....

Loving Our Enemies: A Divine Task

This ordeal left him blind in one eye so he could not take part in contact sports. Miraculously he suffered no brain damage and was fearfully aware that his abductor was still at large. He struggled w...

To Illustrate (July/Aug 2007)

Illustrations from the July/August issue of Preaching Magazine...

Preaching on Sensitive Subjects

I thought I was the first to discover this technique of dealing with controversial issues from the pulpit. But it turns out this little find of mine has been unearthed many times in the past....

The Expository Method

"It is, perhaps, an overbold beginning, but I will venture to say that with its preaching, Christianity stands or falls." – P.T. Forsyth...

8 Characteristics of Evangelistic Preaching

What does evangelistic preaching sound/look/feel like? Here are eight characteristics....

The Power of the Big Idea

What did you learn in church today? How is it possible that so many people, young and old, can respond with nothing but silence to such a simple question after spending an entire Sunday morning in chu...

Superficial vs. Spiritual Wisdom

1 Corinthians 2:12-13 Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God. And we speak of these things in w...