Search Results for number

Found 36558 Results for number
1 Kings 20:15

1 Kings 20:15 Then he numbered the young men of the princes of the provinces, and they were two hundred and thirty two A very small number to go forth...


The NAS Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Strong's Number: 7230 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord Originbrfrom (07231)Transliterated WordTDNT EntryRobTWOT...

Genesis 46:27

Overview - Genesis 46 1?Jacob is comforted by God at Beer-sheba. 5?Thence he with his company goes into Egypt. 8?The number of his family that went ...


The KJV Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Strong's Number: 07651 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord Origin[bXfrom (07650)Transliterated WordTDNT EntrySheba...


The KJV Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Strong's Number: 04487 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord Originhnma primitive rootTransliterated WordTDNT EntryM...

Numbers 1:42

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

Numbers 1:22

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

Numbers 1:32

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

Numbers 3:22

Numbers 3:22 Those that were numbered of them Of the two families that sprung from Gershon: according to the number of all the males, from a month old...

Matthew 5:2

Taught them (edidasken). Inchoative imperfect, began to teach. He sat down on the mountain side as the Jewish rabbis did instead of standing. It was ...

Numbers 1:39

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

Numbers 1:41

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

Numbers 1:43

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

Numbers 1:17

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

Numbers 1:25

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

Numbers 1:29

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

Numbers 1:31

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

Job 38:37

Overview - Job 38 1?God challenges Job to answer. 4?God, by his mighty works, convinces Job of ignorance, 31?and of imbecility. Treasury of Scripture...

2 Chronicles 17:15

2 Chronicles 17:15 And next to him was Jehohanan the captain Being of the same rank as to office, but having a lesser number of men under him; and it ...

Mark 14:15

Mark 14:15 And he will show you a large upper room A room in the highest part of the house, large enough for such a company, for thirteen persons, whi...