Search Results for opened her heart

Found 1212 Results for opened her heart
Chapter IV

In the morning they rose with the sun, and prepared themselves for their departure; but the Interpreter would have them tarry awhile, for, said he, Y...

Miscellaneous Pieces

i. ELEGY. Oh, let me not serve so, as those men serve Whom honour's smokes at once fatten and starve; Poorly enrich'd with great men's words and l...

Sermon XXIV

1 The ss. IV. 13, 14.. But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are ajkep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which ...

Psalm 42:5

?EXPOSITIONVerse 5. Why art thou cast down, O my soul? As though he were two men, the psalmist talks to himself. His faith reasons with his fears, his...

Chapter XXII

On May 26, 1852, there was in hand toward the erection of the second new Orphan House three thousand five hundred and thirty pounds nine shillings si...

Sermon LXVI. [CXVI. Ben.]

Sermon LXVI. [CXVI. Ben.]Sermon LXVI. [CXVI. Ben.] On the words of the gospel, Luke xxiv. 36, He himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto th...

Sermon CLIII


Psalm 17:8

?EXPOSITIONVerse 8. Keep me as the apple of the eye. No part of the body more precious, more tender, and more carefully guarded than the eye; and of t...

Chapter VII

CHAPTER VII. HYMNS FROM OLD CLOISTERS. The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as th...

Psalm 39:9

?EXPOSITIONVerse 9. I was dumb, I opened not my mouth; because thou didst it. This had been far clearer if it had been rendered, I am silenced, I will...

Tractate CXXI.

Tractate CXXI.Tractate CXXI. John XX. 10-29.1. Mary Magdalene had brought the news to His disciples, Peter and John, that the Lord was taken away from...

Hymn IV.

Hymn IV.Hymn IV.This is the month which brings all manner of joy; it is the freedom of the bondsmen, the pride of the free, the crown of the gates, th...

Eighteenth Day

EIGHTEENTH DAY. ABIDE IN CHRIST, Jit Stillness of Soul. In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength...

Ninth Day

THE CHILDREN FOR CHRIST. Ninth Day. 'And when she saw that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months.'?Exod. ii. 2. 1 By faith Moses, when h...

Tractate XV.

Tractate XV.Tractate XV. John IV. 1-42.1. It is nothing new to your ears, beloved, that the Evangelist John, like an eagle, takes a loftier flight, an...

Chapter III

Now there was on the other side of the wall, that fenced in the way up which Christiana and her companions were to go, a garden, and that belonged to...

Tractate XVIII.

Tractate XVIII.Tractate XVIII. John V. 19.1. John the evangelist, among his fellows and companions the other evangelists, received this special and pe...

Luke 16:23

Luke 16:23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments Which may design the place of torment, and the miserable state the Scribes and Pharisees...

Psalm 114:5

?EXPOSITIONVer. 5. What ailed thee, O thou sea? Wert thou terribly afraid? Did thy strength fail thee? Did thy very heart dry up? What ailed thee, O ...


CHARITY. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. 1 Coriktuiav...