Search Results for poor vineyard lord

Found 336 Results for poor vineyard lord

GRACE. For the law is given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. John 1: I9. I am going to take, to-night, a subject, rather than a t...

Chapter XVIII

In the following chapter, Mr. Miiller has grouped together, under the appropriate heads, the leading events connected with each of the departments of...

Sermon Against Auxentius on the Giving Up of the Basilicas.

Sermon Against Auxentius on the Giving Up of the Basilicas.Sermon Against Auxentius on the Giving Up of the Basilicas. To calm the anxiety of the peop...


Psalm LXXVII. Psalm LXXVII. 1. This Psalm's lintel is thus inscribed: Unto the end, for Idithun, a Psalm to Asaph himself. What Unto the end is, ye kn...

Psalm LXVII.

Psalm LXVII. Psalm LXVII. 1. Your Love remembereth, that in two Psalms, which have been already treated of, we have stirred up our soul to bless the L...

Book IV.

Book IV.Book IV.-------- Preface.1. By transmitting to thee, my very dear friend, this fourth book of the work which is [entitled] The Detection and R...

Amos 2

Chapter 2In this chapter, I. God, by the prophet, proceeds in a like controversy with Moab as before with other nations (v. 1-3). II. He shows what qu...

Zechariah 11

Chapter?11God?s prophet, who, in the chapters before, was an ambassador sent to promise peace, is here a herald sent to declare war. The Jewish nation...

Homily LXIV.

Homily LXIV.Homily LXIV.Matthew Chapter 19, Verse 27 Then answered Peter and said unto Him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed Thee; what shal...

Job 31

Chapter?31Job had often protested his integrity in general; here he does it in particular instances, not in a way of commendation (for he does not her...

Book II.

Book II.Book II.Of Bishops, Presbyters, and Deacons. Sec. I.-On Examining Candidates for the Episcopal Office. That a Bishop Must Be Well Instructed a...

Oration XVI.

Oration XVI.Oration XVI.On His Father's Silence, Because of the Plague of Hail. This Oration belongs to the year a.d. 373. A series of disasters had b...


Homily LXXVIII.Homily LXXVIII.Matthew Chapter 25, Verse 1-Matthew Chapter 25, Verse 30(1) Then shall the kingdom of Heaven, He saith, be likened unto...

The Fundamental Conception

I THE FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTION The vastness of this subject will at once be recognized, and its immediate interest conceded. To deal with it exhaustiv...

The Lord's Service Pays

THE LORD'S SERVICE PAYS. -And he that reapeth receiveth wages and gathereth fruit unto eternal life.?John 4: 36. I want to call your attention to t...

Part I

PREFACE WOULDST thou be perfectly cleansed from thy faults; Wouldst thou be richly endowed with virtues; Wouldst thou have deep insight into Holy W...

Psalm XCIV.

Psalm XCIV. Psalm XCIV. 1. As we listened with much attention, while the Psalm was in reading, so let us listen attentively, while the Lord revealeth ...


Book XVIIBook XVII------------Argument-This book the history of the city of God is traced during the period of the kings and prophets from Samuel to D...

Matthew 25

Chapter?25This chapter continues and concludes our Saviour?s discourse, which began in the foregoing chapter, concerning his second coming and the end...

Chapter 4

by Alfred Edersheim 1876 Chapter 4 Travelling in Palestine?, Inns, Hospitality, Custom-House Officers, Taxation, Publicans It was the very busies...