Search Results for ruth 1-4

Found 151 Results for ruth 1-4

Marriage [N] [T] [B] [S]was instituted in Paradise when man was in innocence ( Genesis 2:18-24 ). Here we have its original charter, which was confirm...


Seven [E] [S]Interesting facts concerning this numberDAYSWeek consists of Genesis 2:3 ; Exodus 20:11 ; Deuteronomy 5:13 Deuteronomy 5:14 Noah in...


Joy [T] [B]Attributed to God Deuteronomy 28:63 ; 30:9 ; Jeremiah 32:41 In heaven Luke 15:10-32 UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO Deuteronomy...


Foreigner [N] [E]Person from a different racial, ethnic, and linguistic group as in contrast to a native. Circumstances during biblical times often fo...


GATE gat (Hebrew normally (over 300 times) sha`ar; occasionally deleth, properly, gateway (but compare Deuteronomy 3:5); elsewhere the gateway is peth...


FAMINE fam'-in (ra`abh; limos): 1. Natural Causes 2. Famines Mentioned 3. Divine Relations 4. Figurative Uses The common Old Testament word for f...


Intercession [B]OF MAN WITH MAN 1?Samuel 2:25 INSTANCES OFReuben for Joseph Genesis 37:21 Genesis 37:22 Judah for Joseph Genesis 37:26 Genes...


Servant [S]Distinguish a bondservant (Greek: doulos), who was a slave, from a hired servant (Greek: diakonos), who was not a slaveBONDLaws of Moses co...

Servant, Service

Servant, Service The words servant, service, and serve, in various forms, occur well over 1, 100 times in the New International Version. People are...

Afflictions and adversities

Afflictions and adversities MISCELLANY OF MINOR SUB-TOPICSGod regulates the measure of afflictions Psalms 80:5 ; Isaiah 9:1 ; Jeremiah 46:28 Dete...


Government [B]Paternal functions of Genesis 41:25-57 Civil service school provided by Daniel 1:3-20 Maintains of public instruction 2?Chronicles...


Divorce [N] [T] [E] [S]Perversion of the marriage institution. Marriage was ordained by God as an intimate and complementing union between a man and a...


Remnant Leftovers or remainders, whether of daily food ( Ruth 2:14 Ruth 2:18 ), food at the Passover ( Leviticus 7:16 Leviticus 7:18 ), anointing oi...


\\INTRODUCTION TO FIRST KINGS\\ This, and the following book, properly are but one book, divided into two parts, and went with the Jews under the co...


\\INTRODUCTION TO LAMENTATIONS\\ This book very properly follows the prophecy of Jeremiah, not only because wrote by him, but because of the subject ...


David [B] [E] [H] [S]King of IsraelGenealogy of Ruth 4:18-22 ; 1?Samuel 16:11 ; 17:12 ; 1?Chronicles 2:3-15 ; Matthew 1:1-6 ; Luke 3:31-38 A s...


Messiah [N] [E] [H] [S]The term messiah is the translation of the Hebrew term masiah [jyiv'm], which is derived from the verb masah, meaning to smear...


Elder [N] [E] [S]In both the Old and New Testaments, the term elder indicates one of advanced age (Heb. zaqen [eqz]; Gk. presbyteros [presbuvtero]) wh...

Psalms 129

Chapter?129This psalm relates to the public concerns of God?s Israel. It is not certain when it was penned, probably when they were in captivity in Ba...

John 7:37

John 7:37 In the last day, that great day of the feast That is, of tabernacles, as appears from ( John 7:2 ) , which was usually called (gx) , the fea...