Search Results for son

Found 217 Results for son
Illustration: Heaven

The pastor was speaking to the children’s Sunday School class, and asked them: Who wants to go to heaven? All the children raised their hands except one little boy....

Illustration: Bible

God's Word is a life-saving device....

Illustration: Gifts

The gift of time spent with them is the best thing we can give our children....

Illustration: Gifts

Ann Landers wrote about a person she knew who said the greatest gift he ever received in his life was a note his dad gave him on Christmas. ...

Illustration: Prayer, Blessing

A Christian farmer spent the day in the city. In a restaurant for his meal, he sat near a group of young men. After he bowed his head to give thanks for his food, one of the young men thought he would...

Choices, Fatalism, Discouragement

Here's an illustration from the animated movie Shrek 2, courtesy of The Big Idea: Does fate rule our lives, or can we choose? Scene Setup: Shrek, Donkey, and Puss in Boots have ma...

Illustration: Ingenuity and Classic Dishes

As was the case with the ceasar salad, one staple of game-day feasts came about from items on hand....


Finding Nemo is the most popular animated feature of all time. What is the secret of its success?...


In the comic, “Motley’s Crew” a young man tells his father, “Hey Dad, I just signed up to audit a class in philosophy over at the college.” ...


Thank God I'm An Atheist is the title of a little book by Rudolph Brasch. He said he got the title from a reported exchange between a disbeliever and a heckler at the famous Speaker's Corner in Hyde P...

Life Tested

A minister was making a wooden trellis to support a climbing vine. As he was pounding away, he noticed that a little boy was watching him. The youngster didn't say a word, so the preacher kept on work...


According to the book, The Twentieth Century, the invention of typing correction fluid was the product of necessity. Betty Nesmith (incidentally, the mother of former “Monkee” Michael Nesmith) had ma...


Forget all the church growth techniques you have learned. Forget about seeker sensitive or purpose driven churches. Forget about contemporary music or even the cowboy church. Catch the next wave an...

Past / Future

There is an old Chinese proverb that says a man who keeps one eye on the past is blind in one eye. A man who keeps no eye on the past is blind in both eyes. Virgil wrote that Aeneas founded Rome after...


Finding Nemo is the most popular animated feature of all time. What is the secret of its success? Much of its appeal is in the amazing technical and artistic features that helped produce a wonderful u...

Illustration: Change, Talent

Our children believe what we say, and what we speak into their lives has a profound effect on them and their futures....

Illustration: Faith of the Faithless

What does one believe when one says he or she does not believe?...

Illustration: Marriage

This couple added a whole new meaning to "My heart beats for you."...

Storms, Crisis

An old sea captain was quizzing a young naval student. "What steps would you take if a sudden storm came up on the starboard?" ...

Incarnation of Christ

In the early 19th century, a war-weary world was anxiously watching the march of Napoleon. All the while babies were being born. In 1809, midway between the battles of Trafalgar and Waterloo, ...