Search Results for word and of and god

Found 192 Results for word and of and god
True Attitude In Worship

Flattery of Men The following true story is from the life of Louis XIV of France: One Sunday when he and his royal party arrived at church, no one was there except Archbishop Fenelon, the court preach...

Result Of Sin

Ten Commandments Parents do many things because they want the best for their children in the long run. Some actions may feel restrictive or even harsh at the moment, but parents believe that fruit ...

Personal Dedication

In the 1840's, a young man who was an earnest Christian found employment in a pawn shop. Although he disliked the work, he did it faithfully "as unto the Lord". To prepare himself for a life o...

Body - Resurrection

After John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the United States, suffered a stroke in 1846, a friend asked him about his health. Adams replied, "I inhabit a weak, frail, decayed tenement; battered b...


For many people, the highlight of the Winter Olympics is pair's figure skating with its split-second timing and precision choreography. For some element, both skaters perform the same move with per...

Ice Cream is Good for the Soul

Last week I took my children to a restaurant. My six-year-old son asked if he could say grace. As we bowed our heads he said, "God is good. God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank...

What Is the Apostles' Creed?

Jared C. Wilson

The creed, attributed to the earliest missionary followers of Jesus, distills the basic outline of what it means to be a Christian into a short summation that belies the depth and richness of what it ...

Happiness, Consumerism

Economist Richard Layard believes that although people are getting wealthier and living more comfortably, they’re not getting happier. He argues in Happiness: Lessons from a New Science that a “zero-s...

Hymns - The Way We'd Sing Them If We Were Honest

I Surrender, Some There Shall Be Sprinkles of Blessings Fill My Spoon, Lord Oh, How I Like Jesus He's Quite a Bit to Me I Love to Talk About Telling the Story Take My Life and Let Me Be It Is...


The oldest surviving Irish manuscript is a fragmentary copy of the Book of Psalms. Before they went into battle, Celtic armies carried it around their troops three times to ensure victory. While we wo...


"Sleep scientist" are warning that people are not getting enough rest, and our health and safety are suffering as a result. William Dement, founder and director of the Stanford University Sleep Res...

The Great Equalizer in Preaching

You’re pouring your heart out. You preach like a man possessed (in a good way). You wax eloquent. And then it happens; you make eye contact with the one person in the crowd that can truly humble you –...

Preaching Dangerously

An Interview with Mark Labberton, Sr. Pastor of First Presbyertian Church of Berkley, Califonia....

The Bible

Henry Ford is credited with saying, "Cut your own wood and you warm yourself twice." What he meant was that the man who chops his own firewood not only enjoys the heat form the logs burning in his fir...


Wally Rendel, Pastor of Southern Acres Christian Church in Lexington, KY, sent this moving story in response to our request for Easter illustrations and sermon ideas: Our daughter, Jill Marie Rendel, ...


In the March 4, 2003edition of his weblog, Albert Mohler notes that, "According to some estimates, as much as one-third of the nation's money supply now moves through the gambling industry each year. ...

Self Image

In 1998, Marion Abbot, tongue in cheek, suggested creating more realistic Barbie dolls. Among her suggestions were: 1) Bifocals Barbie. Comes with her own set of blended-lens fashion frames in si...