Self Image

Self Image
In 1998, Marion Abbot, tongue in cheek, suggested creating more realistic Barbie dolls. Among her suggestions were:

1) Bifocals Barbie. Comes with her own set of blended-lens fashion frames in six wild colors (half-frames too!), neck chain and large-print editions of Vogue and Martha Stewart Living.
2) Flabby Arms Barbie. Hide Barbie's droopy triceps with these new, roomier-sleeved gowns. Good news on the tummy front, too-muumuus with tummy-support panels are included.
3) Bunion Barbie. Years of disco dancing in stiletto heels have definitely taken their toll on Barbie's dainty arched feet. Soothe her sores with the pumice stone and plasters, then slip on soft terry mules.
4) No-More-Wrinkles Barbie. Erase those pesky crow's-feet and lip lines with a tube of Skin Sparkle-Spackle, from Barbie's own line of exclusive age-blasting cosmetics.
5) Divorced Barbie. Sells for $199.99. Comes with Ken's house, Ken's car, and Ken's boat.

It is certainly true that women and men often derive their self image from popular culture. Reality is far different. Maybe we should try getting our self image from God through His Word.

J. Michael Shannon is professor of preaching at Cincinnati Bible College in Cincinnati, OH.