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How We Can (Actually) Be Encouraged That "the Race Is Not to the Swift"

Blair Parke

What the author of this biblical passage is referencing here is that though we pursue the race of life believing we can get the upper hand, in the end death will still prevail. However, there is still...

Why Does God Remain Hidden in the Book of Ruth?

Rev. Kyle Norman

God is present, although hidden. This hiddenness is incredibly important as it testifies to the constancy of God’s presence, and the assurance of God’s plan. Through Ruth’s own life, God subtly weaves...

Why Is Number 7 So Important in the Bible?

Hope Bolinger

In over 700 biblical occurrences, we can see the intricate patterns by which God has used the number 7 in history, throughout Scripture, and in the age to come. ...

14 Reasons Humility Is Good for Building Up Your Faith

Lisa Loraine Baker

Faith brings to us the awareness and joyful acknowledgement of God. The Bible tells us without faith it is impossible to please God, and God rewards those who humbly draw near to and believe in Him&nb...

Where Is Galatia, and Why Did Paul Write to the Galatians?

Bethany Verrett

This book provides a bridge from the Old Testament to the New, and shows that while there are divisions in this life, all are one in Christ. One day we shall live as one people in God’s kingdom. ...

10 Verses from James to Deepen Your Faith

Micah Maddox

Things like death, or circumstances that bring grief in strong waves, or pain that feels unbearable, causes us to either lean into faith or push away from it. The book of James in the New Testament gi...

Should We Approach Our Faith as Religion or Relationship?

Joel Ryan

Practicing Christians will often try and distance themselves from the stigma of bad religion or being seen as religious. One of the ways they do this is by approaching their faith more as a relationsh...

Does the Bible Contradict Itself?

Larry White

Why do you read the Bible? Are you seeking answers about life situations? Perhaps you are looking for guidance in your relationship with the God of the universe. There are even some who read it so t...

10 Myths People Believe about Their Sunday School Teacher

Meg Bucher

People volunteering to serve God’s church are, first and foremost, still people. God did not grant humankind the power to rise above out of our own abilities. Ephesians 2:8-9 reminds us, “For it is by...

4 Important Reminders from the Command "Get behind Me Satan"

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Satan is the great adversary of the church. He is clearly opposed to the will of God being accomplished in the earth. For the record, the way God chooses to accomplish his will in the earth is through...

Is It Biblical That We "Get What We Deserve?"

Bethany Verrett

All of human philosophy centers on discovering the order of the universe. How did it start? How will it end? How does it work? Science provides some answers to how the physical world works, but the me...

How Can We Always Put God First in Our Lives?

Debbie W. Wilson

Joy. Who couldn’t use more joy? Someone once said joy comes from having our priorities in the right order—Jesus, others, and then you. Putting Jesus first brings joy to our hearts. But how do we alway...

How Does God Use Our Weakness as a Strength?

Ruth Clemence

We do not like to admit our weaknesses. The expression “play to your strengths” is all about focusing on what we do well. If people could see us for who we really are from the inside &nd...

What Does it Mean to Be Anointed?

Kyle Blevins

To be anointed is to be set apart, empowered, or protected. Many can be anointed, but there is a single Anointed One who made it possible for all. You may have heard a comment like this at your loca...

What Does the Bible Say about Eternal Life - What it Is and Is Not

Stephen Baker

How did this prove eternal life was real? Notice God spoke to Moses in the present tense, not the past tense. ...

How Is God “Not a Respecter of People”?

Blair Parke

Although some may feel that God owes them more respect than others (think the Sanhedrin and those who based their faith on their works), God sees everyone equally and doesn’t hold the lives of anyone ...

What Does the Bible Say about Kids?

Bethany Verrett

The Bible makes it clear that children are a blessing. Whether adults are called to be parents, to foster, or to invest in children in some other unique way, kids are part of God’s plan for individual...

The Gospel in Galatians: By Grace Alone

Christians affirm that salvation comes from God alone, but too often our daily walk suggests his gift is incomplete until we step in. This is an old problem, which the letter of Galatians dealt with a...

Beyond Sunday: Chained to the World

We have the world in our hearts so much and are so taken up with thoughts and cares of worldly things, that we have neither time nor spirit to see God's hand in them....

7 Short but Mighty Lessons from the Book of James

Blair Parke

When people think about the book of James, they can probably attest to one or two words of wisdom they have gained from James that have impacted them.James, believed to be one of the brothers of ...