Search Results for jer 23

Found 1141 Results for jer 23
Revelation 6:13

stars of heaven fell to the earth Stars is ??????? [asteres] from which we get the word asteroid. The word is also used of the supernatural manifesta...

Amos 6:2

Amos 6:2 Pass ye unto Calneh, and see What is become of that city, which was in the land of Shinar, an ancient city, as early as the days of Nimrod, a...

1.2.1. Babylon?s Historic Fall

When one examines the historical record concerning the fall of the city of Babylon in 539 B.C. to Persia (Dan. Dan. 5:30-31), it is clear that the te...

Revelation 14:8

Babylon Here is the first mention of Babylon found in this book. Some suggest that ?Babylon? should not be understood in a literal sense, but as deno...


Foreigner [N] [E]Person from a different racial, ethnic, and linguistic group as in contrast to a native. Circumstances during biblical times often fo...


Drink [N] [E]Palestine lacks fresh water rivers and lakes and its dependence upon rain after its yearly hot, dry period makes drought an ongoing possi...

Lucas 23

Lucas 23Divisi?n por P?rrafos en las Traducciones ModernasUBS4NKJVNRSVTEVNJBJes?s es tra?do ante Pilatos23:1-5Jes?s delante de Herodes23:6-12Jes?s es ...

Revelation 6:12

sixth seal ?It would be difficult to paint any scene more moving or more terrible than that described at the opening of the sixth seal.?1 Up to now,...

Idol, Idolatry

Idol, Idolatry The most prevalent form of idolatry in biblical times was the worship of images or idolsthat represented or were thought to embody vari...

Pass, Passage, Passenger

PASS, PASSAGE, PASSENGER pas, pas'-aj, pas'-en-jer: To pass bears different meanings and corresponds to various words in Hebrew and Greek. It occurs ...

1.4.1. Her Harlotry

The woman which John sees riding the Beast of seven heads and ten horns is called a harlot, indicating certain practices and priorities which stand o...


Heart [N] [E]Heart (Hebrew lebab/leb [b'bel], Gk. kardia [kardiva]) occurs over one thousand times in the Bible, making it the most common anthropolog...

Revelation 18:21

a mighty angel The appearance of a mighty angel indicates an important declarative action is to follow. A strong angel asked who was worthy to open t...

Revelation 7:17

the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne Not only the Father dwells among them (Rev. Rev. 7:15+), they will also be in intimate association with the...

7.5.2. Literal Understanding of Numbers

In studying the book of Revelation, one is immediately struck by the prevailing bias of many commentators against understanding numbers in their norm...


Remnant Leftovers or remainders, whether of daily food ( Ruth 2:14 Ruth 2:18 ), food at the Passover ( Leviticus 7:16 Leviticus 7:18 ), anointing oi...

Jeremiah (2)

JEREMIAH (2) jer-e-mi'-a: 1. Name and Person 2. Life of Jeremiah 3. The Personal Character of Jeremiah 4. The Prophecies of Jeremiah 5. The Book ...


Hope [N] [T] [E]To trust in, wait for, look for, or desire something or someone; or to expect something beneficial in the future.The Old Testament. Th...

7. Four Gospels

4.7.1 - Which Face, Which Gospel?4.7.2 - Camp of Israel4.7.3 - A Shadow of the Heavenly Many have wondered why there are four gospels? Especially if t...


Motives Motives pose at least a twofold dilemma: (1) the status of a good deed done for the wrong reason or an evil deed done with good (or even witho...