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5 Steps to Peace in a Bad Situation

How do you get peace in a really bad situation? You may be in the fight of your life financially and about to lose your home. It may be that you've been diagnosed with lung cancer as my father-in-law ...

Why Unity is Important for America (and the Church)

Ronnie Floyd

[Editor’s note: The following is adapted from two articles by Ronnie Floyd, published on Used with permission.] People need each other. Following having a relationship with G...

The Top 2 "Sins" Listed by Christian Women Aren't Really God's Concern

Erin Davis

I've got a junk drawer so full of junk that it is renting storage space from three other drawers. I can't see the top of my washing machine. It’s covered in soap, rags, laundry baske...

30 Beautiful Bible Verses for Pregnancy and Delivery

Asheritah Ciuciu

My husband and I were expecting our second child any day and I was completely on edge about it. There are so many things that can go wrong during pregnancy and delivery, and fear was about getting the...

10 Beautiful Ways to Celebrate Easter at Home This Year

Meg Bucher

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” Matthew 28:6, ESVEaster will arrive, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, with many of us quarantined to our homes. As the virus continues to sweep aroun...

Why Do We Call the Church the “Body of Christ”?

Pamela Palmer

In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul referred to the church as the body of Christ. He used this metaphor to relay significant truths about the church and to help believers better understand the valu...

Why Is Hope so Crucial to Our Faith?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

I believe one of the greatest gifts God has given you is hope. After all, that is what his promises are designed to do – inspire hope. It gives us the ability to look at any situation and know that re...

Understanding the Work of the Holy Spirit

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

“Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18).Over the years, I have discovered that one of the most misrepresented and misunderstood membe...

What Does the Bible Say about Disabilities?

Heather Adams

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not ...

6 Scriptures That Changed My Life

Ruth Clemence

Growing up, the Bible was in my bedroom but seldom opened. I believed in Jesus and cannot remember a time I felt as if God didn’t exist. God just was. However, I did not follow Him as Lord and Savior ...

Will We Have Work to Do in Heaven?

Britt Mooney

Most people hate work. I used to tell people, “Yes, work is hard, that’s why they don’t call it fun.” We can’t wait for vacations, saving large amounts of money and looking forward to “time off” of wo...

What Does Jesus Say about Paradise and What Heaven Will Be Like?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Paradise is mentioned three times in the Bible. It first appears in Luke 23:43. “And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.”...

What Do We Do When We Feel Disappointed, with God or Life?

Kristi Walker

We’ve all been there: We had a dream for our lives, and it didn’t play out the way we had hoped. Unmet or unfulfilled expectations lead to disappointment. As believers in God though, sometimes we wron...

Who Is the Bride of Christ?

Jessica Udall

All the great love stories of the world echo this greatest of love stories. And just like a good husband acts, God’s actions towards the Church are always full of love....

How We Can Grow in the Knowledge and Understanding of God

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

To have knowledge is to have facts, information, or awareness of something or someone. When we have knowledge of God, we understand his nature, his character, and who he is. This process of growing yo...

What Is Greed and How Do I Know if I'm Greedy?

April Motl

Scripture doesn’t specifically define greed. In America, we often relegate greed as some abstract quality only the uber rich are guilty of. The rest of us just “want” stuff…...

The Beautiful Truth of How Christ Is Our Kinsman-Redeemer

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

We hear about a kinsman-redeemer in the story of Ruth and Boaz. But rather than just a cozy story of charity and love, the act of being a kinsman-redeemer reveals powerful, incredible truths about our...

What Exactly Is Sin?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

When you think about what sin is, you must recognize that sin looks to dominate a person’s life. Sin doesn’t come in to be nice, sin comes in to take control. Sin is a relentless master that looks to ...