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Why Should Christians Understand the Sneaky Dangers of Nihilism?

Ben Reichert

Most of us know that nihilism is a dark philosophy, but does it really say that life is meaningless? Is this philosophy more popular than we may think?...

Do We Still Need Revival in Christianity?

Jennifer Slattery

The human heart, known to stray and decay, is in constant need of revival—a returning to God and His ways and outpouring of His power and grace. Scripture documents this. It records periods of...

Prayers for Lent for Renewal in the 2022 Lenten Season

Lia Martin

Every spring, we’re offered a beautiful opportunity to “…throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles” (Hebrews 12:1). So whether you are considering giving up something for ...

The Storytelling God: Parables and the Kingdom

Jesus, like the stories he told, didn’t look like much, but the power of the eternal God was in there....

The Men in Christ's Life: The Healing of a Demon-Possessed Man

Our fear sometimes keeps Jesus from doing all the things he wants to do for us. We are so afraid we might have to give up our lives as we know it....

Who Wrote the Bible?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

The Bible is the Word of God written for His people, spanning 66 books in the Old and New Testament combined. It is the best selling book of all time with over 50 billion copies sold and distributed. ...

Spiritual Warfare: Understanding Satan's Strategies 

Tonilee Adamson | Bobbye Brooks

The more we learn the truths concerning spiritual warfare, the more prepared we can be to fight and to be victorious. In furthering our knowledge of spiritual warfare, this lesson addresses the strate...

Is Easter Pagan? The Holiday's Origins and History 

Jay Ryan

There has been an increasing trend among evangelicals to shun Easter as allegedly being derived from a pagan source. Explore the history here!...

Is the Bible Trustworthy?

Bill Bright

Do you accept the Bible as absolute truth? Do you know the peace and blessing that comes from living its supernatural, life-transforming message?...

Are We Misreading Scripture?

Even without learning the original languages of the Bible, you can get beyond the cultural barriers that may be keeping you from seeing what Scripture really teaches....

Who Is the Angel of the LORD & What Does the Bible Say about Him?

Liz Kanoy

The term angel means “one sent” or “messenger,” and LORD in Hebrew is YHWH or Yahweh. The angel of the LORD is one sent by YHWH or a messenger of YHWH....

Psalm 23 - Finding Our Good Shepherd's Peace & Promises in the Midst of Darkness

Dr. Michael A. Milton

God chose David to write this Psalm because God wanted to reveal Himself to His people as a shepherd, someone they could relate to. This famous psalm is God’s gift to the weary; God’s blessing to the...