Search Results for psalm 95

Found 248 Results for psalm 95
A Treatise on Grace and Free Will.

A Treatise on Grace and Free Will.A Treatise on Grace and Free Will.Addressed to Valentinus and the Monks of Adrumetum, and Completed in One Book. Wri...

Text Of The Old Testament

TEXT OF THE OLD TESTAMENT || I. EARLIEST FORM OF WRITING IN ISRAEL 1. Invention of Alphabet 2. The Cuneiform 3. References to Writing in the Old T...

On Continence.

On Continence. On Continence. [De Continentia.]Translated by Rev. C. L. Cornish, M.a., of Exeter College, Oxford.ST. Augustin speaks of his work On Co...

Discourse II

Discourse IIDiscourse II Chapter XIV. Texts Explained; Fourthly, Hebrews III. 2. Introduction; the Regula Fidei counter to an Arian sense of the text;...

Book XX

Book XXBook XX------------Argument-Concerning the last judgment, and the declarations regarding it in the old and new testaments. Chapter I.-That Alth...

Dialogue I.-The Immutable.

Dialogue I.-The Immutable.Dialogue I.-The Immutable.Orthodoxos and Eranistes.Orth.-Better were it for us to agree and abide by the apostolic doctrine ...

2 Samuel 15

Chapter?15Absalom?s name signifies the peace of his father,?? yet he proves his greatest trouble; so often are we disappointed in our expectations fro...

Index of Subjects

INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Abelard's use of the term 'theology,'.. 1 his relation to Scholasticism, 23 his view of the atonement, 400 Abel's gifts, God te...

Reply to Mr. Button

v While truth and justice require the above acknowledgment, there are several other charges to which they equally oblige me to plead, Not guilty. I a...

Lecture XVIII.

Lecture XVIII.Lecture XVIII.On the Words, and in One Holy Catholic Church, and in the Resurrectionof the Flesh, and the Life Everlasting.Ezekiel XXXVI...

Epistle LXIII.

Epistle LXIII.Epistle LXIII. Limenius, Bishop of Vercellae, having died, the see remained long vacant owing to domestic factions. St. Ambrose, therefo...

Book II.

Book II.Book II. Chapter I. St. Ambrose gives additional rules concerning repentance, and shows that it must not be delayed.1. Although in the former ...

A Treatise Concerning the Correction of the Donatists

A Treatise Concerning the Correction of the Donatists A Treatise Concerning the Correction of the Donatists Or Epistle CLXXXV.(1) A letter of Augustin...

Against Praxeas

Against Praxeas Against Praxeas(1) In which he defends, in all essential points, the doctrine of the holy trinity.(2) [Translated by Dr. Holmes.] Cha...

Book I

Book IBook I 1. How Christians are the Spiritual Israel.That people which was called of old the people of God was divided into twelve tribes, and over...

Book I.

Book I.Book I. Prologue. The author praises Gratian's zeal for instruction in the Faith, and speaks lowly of his own merits. Taught of God Himself, th...

Chapter I--Idea of Theology

SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY. PART I. PROLEGOMENA. CHAPTER I. IDEA OF THEOLOGY. I. Definition.?Theology is the science of God and of the relations between...

Lecture XV.

Lecture XV.Lecture XV.On the Clause, and Shall Come in Glory to Judge the Quick and the Dead; Of Whose Kingdom There Shall Be No End,Daniel VII. 9-14....

Sermon 79

Sermon 79. A CHRISTMAS-DAY SERMON.* LUKE ii. IS, 14?And suddenly there was with the angel a. multitude of the heavenly host,-\ praising God, and say...

Book I.

Book I.Book I.1. Atticus. I hear, Critobulus, that you have written that man can be without sin, if he chooses; and that the commandments of God are e...