Search Results for the heart

Found 1602 Results for the heart
3 Word Studies to Help You Dig Deeper into Scripture

April Motl

Language is a fascinating thing! Some languages have many words to describe a particular thing and another language might have only one word for the other’s three, five, or more. With all these differ...

10 Important Truths Found in 1st and 2nd Kings

Jennifer Slattery

It’s a story of power, corruption, and at times, unimaginable evil—of a rise to greatness and a fall to destruction, of man's depravity and God's longsuffering and grace. 1st Kings begins wi...

9 Bible Verses for Depression to Shine Light Into Darkness

Stephen Altrogge

Are there Bible verses for depression? It depends what you mean. The Bible is not a dispensary that we come to for our daily dose of inspiration or good feelings. The Bible is primarily the grand st...

5 Valuable Lessons from Paul on the Benefits of Giving

Heather Adams

Giving impacts how effective a church will be in reaching out to the local community and into the world beyond. Our tithes and offerings can turn into rich blessings for others.While I learned this tr...

Does Christian Liberty Look Like 4th of July Independence?

Amy Noel Green

As June slips into July and your neighbors begin stockpiling firecrackers to shoot off as soon as you’ve fallen asleep, our minds shift to thoughts of freedom, independence, and liberty. In anticipati...

You Already Failed Your Bible Reading Resolution. What Now?

Jessica Brodie

We’ve all been there, haven’t we? We started the new year determined to make a fresh start and nail that goal: Exercise daily. No more sugar. Get organized. Quit smoking. Then, a week into the new yea...

10 Women in the Bible Who Struggled to Trust God’s Plan

Kristine Brown

My situation looked bleak from every direction. I wanted to trust God’s plan. I really did. So why was I struggling to believe God could help me in the midst of what seemed impossible? Sometimes, God ...

How Tall Was Goliath and What Do We Really Know about Him?

Joel Ryan

Most people are probably familiar with the story of David and Goliath—even if they’ve never opened a Bible or stepped foot inside of a church.A shepherd boy, armed with nothing but courage, faith, and...

10 Ways Christians Can Still Give Thanks in 2020

Pamela Palmer

The reality is that some days, months, and even years are tough. This year has been challenging, disappointing, and exhausting beyond what anyone could have imagined. In additional to the normal highs...

What Does the Bible Say about Disabilities?

Heather Adams

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not ...

What Is the Horn of Salvation in the Bible?

Lianna Davis

When the Bible mentions God's horn of salvation, it means that He is not just our provider, but our defender. So what does this symbol tell us about God defending us?...

Is Our Faith Feelings or Fact?

Bethany Verrett

Faith is seeing the facts, taking the next step to believe in the miraculous, and learning how to love God in a personal and emotional way. ...

Why Exactly Is Reading the Bible So Necessary for Christians?

Emma Danzey

Even if you do not like to read or are slow at reading comprehension, God can equip you with a heart for His Word. He delights to give us that desire....

25 Verses to Help Us Build Healthy Communication with One Another

Heather Adams

Throughout Scripture, the Lord lays out a purpose for connecting with others that goes beyond simple interaction. Through our conversations and correspondences we are meant to be a light for Him in th...

What Does God Mean When He Says No Good Thing Will He Withhold?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Is God talking about money when he says that "no good thing will he withhold" from righteous people?...

15 Comforting Psalms for Healing to Pray and Encourage Loved Ones

Hope Bolinger

Psalms for healing can be one of the most beautiful spiritual medicines when a family or friend undergoes a sickness, surgery, or ailment. Pray over these Psalms of comfort today....

How Can the Church Get Men More Involved?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

It would be very easy to just fall back on the stereotypical answers. But I don’t want to do that, because getting men more involved goes beyond just having food and focusing on manly activities. That...

5 Powerful Prayers for Israel

Vivian Bricker

Dear Lord, please bring healing to Israel. Israel is your chosen nation and the country that is close to your heart. They have suffered much pain and hurt these past few days. Please bring peace, secu...

How You Can Pray through the Psalms

Kelly-Jayne McGlynn

Because the Psalms share stories, circumstances, and thoughts from people thousands of years ago, but that are still universal to humanity today, they are able to bring us a level of comfort like litt...