Search Results for will be with you forever

Found 547 Results for will be with you forever
Lessons from Jude: Danger of Apostasy and a Reminder to Be Faithful

Alice William

Today let’s dive into the rest of the epistle of Jude, verses 12-25, and learn about the sin of apostasy, the actions of apostates, the consequences, and how to build our lives on Jesus Christ...

Is the Presence of God Still There, Even if You Can't Feel It?

Tessa Emily Hall

And yet, those of us who are in Christ have sensed the presence of God with us and have witnessed His hand at work. ...

Does God Really Work in "Mysterious Ways"?

Lisa Loraine Baker

What is not a mystery is that God will reveal what He wants when He wants to whom He wants (Exodus 33:19). God’s mysteries are Divine mysteries, and that truth makes them beyond the scope of our ...

Relying on Heaven’s Divine Reminder

Frank Santora

I think Jesus was saying, you guys are going to have a tendency to remember all sorts of random and unprofitable worldly stuff, and are going to forget what I’ve taught you. So I’m going to give you a...

What Do Doves Symbolize in the Bible?

Bethany Verrett

In our modern world, doves are a sign of peace. But this bird, which can be found in almost all corners of the earth, has many different meanings in Scripture. From its connection to Noah and the floo...

10 Biblical Truths about Real Friendship

Drew Hunter

What does the Bible say about friendship? Perhaps more than we may have thought. The theme of friendship weaves through the whole storyline of Scripture, climaxing at the cross of Jesus Christ and str...

Can We See the Gospel in 1 Kings?

Mike Leake

In some ways the story in 1 Kings (especially if we finish it up with 2 Kings) is the story of the Garden of Eden 2.0. It starts with God blessing humanity and putting them into a beautiful place. For...

How Does Honesty Help Us Model the Love of Jesus?

Sheila Alewine

For Christ-followers, honesty isn’t just an option; it’s non-negotiable. Scripture is clear that lying is a sin, and that sincere disciples of Jesus are committed to truth-telling. We understand that ...

How Can Parents Effectively Explain the Gospel to Their Kids?

Sheila Alewine

As parents, we must have a firm grip on the gospel ourselves, and be committed to teaching it, speaking of it, and illustrating it in our daily lives, so that our children will not only hear it, but s...

What Does It Mean that Christians Live Under a New Covenant?

Britt Mooney

For the people of God today, what does it mean for us to live under the new covenant?...

What Does the Bible Tell Us about the Garden of Eden?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

The Garden of Eden is probably the most famous place mentioned in the Bible. What details does the Bible give us about its location and features?...

Trusting an Unchanging God, Part 1

The question you need to ask is: Does God change? It may seem simple, but this question is so important to our future-our peace of mind!...

What Are the 3 Temptations of the World?

Robbie Pruitt

The world and all that is in it was created for our enjoyment and pleasure and points us to a good God who loves us and desires our good pleasure. However, something is wrong....

The Glorious Power of the Resurrection

Michael Craven

As we begin this Holy Week there is no other issue, no other thought more demanding of our attention than that of the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. ...

Does the Bible Condone Slavery?

Jessica Brodie

Never in the Bible does it command slaveowners to end their practice. Never does it say, “Slavery is against God’s will,” and never does it say, “Thou shalt not own slaves.” Given all this, many peopl...

3 Ways We Can Be Confident That God Is Our Refuge

Sheila Alewine

We cannot look for emotional experiences as the measure of God being our refuge. He is more than a “feeling.” He is a living God, who is active in our lives, and He wants us to find refuge in somethin...

4 Enduring Lessons from Mary's Incredible Faith

Heather Adams

'Tis the season for us to take a closer look at the first few chapters of Luke, marveling at the faith of Jesus' earthly mother. Mary is an incredible example for us, but her story bears study...

Is it Biblical for Christians to Say 'I Will Sing of the Goodness of God'?

Britt Mooney

While "I will sing of the goodness of God" is a nice phrase, we should take time to dig deeper into its meaning. Why is it important to remember his goodness? And why do we sing about it?...

Who Does God Say I Am?

Meg Bucher

The pre-requisite of our identity can be found in godly priorities. By aligning our everyday lives to biblical truth, we set our internal GPS to His will. Through Scripture, creation, and purposefully...

3 Beautiful Prayers in the Bible to Encourage You

Meg Bucher

Biblical prayers have a common denominator of hope. Hope causes us to look upwards and fall down on our knees, holding onto the One who sits above all. Deuteronomy 33:12 says the beloved of the Lord...