Search Results for cross

Found 4302 Results for cross
Mark 12:8

Mark 12:8 And they took him, and killed him, and cast him, out of the vineyard.] They sent their officers and servants, and apprehended him in the gar...

Matthew 7:3

The mote (to karpo). Not dust, but a piece of dried wood or chaff, splinter (Weymouth, Moffatt), speck (Goodspeed), a very small particle that may ir...


The KJV New Testament Greek Lexicon Strong's Number: 388 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord Originajnastaurovwfrom (303) and (4717)Transliterated Word...


The KJV New Testament Greek Lexicon Strong's Number: 1224 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord Origindiabaivnwfrom (1223) and the base of (939)Translite...


The NAS New Testament Greek Lexicon Strong's Number: 1224 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord Origindiabainofrom (1223) and the base of (939)Transliter...


The NAS New Testament Greek Lexicon Strong's Number: 388 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord Originanastauroofrom (303) and (4717)Transliterated WordTD...

Romans 4:25

For our justification (dia thn dikaiwsin hmwn). The first clause (paredoqh dia ta paraptwmata) is from Isaiah 53:12 . The first dia with paraptwmata...


Alexander [E] [H] [S]Son of Simon who bore the cross of Jesus Mark 15:21 A relative of the high priest, present at the defense of Peter and John A...

Cyrenian; Cyrenians

CYRENIAN; CYRENIANS si-re'-ni-an (Kurenaios, a native or inhabitant of Cyrene): Two Jews of Cyrene are mentioned in the New Testament, namely, Simon ...

From Letter XXII(1) . (for 350.)

From Letter XXII(1) . (for 350.)From Letter XXII(1) . (for 350.)Where our Lord Jesus Christ, who took upon Him to die for all, stretched forth His han...

Matthew 16:5

Overview - Matthew 16 1?The Pharisees require a sign. 5?Jesus warns his disciples of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees. 13?The people's opini...

Matthew 16:15

Overview - Matthew 16 1?The Pharisees require a sign. 5?Jesus warns his disciples of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees. 13?The people's opini...

Galatians 6:11

Overview - Galatians 6 1?He moves them to deal mildly with a brother that has slipped, 2?and to bear one another's burden; 6?to be liberal to their ...

Psalm 18:42

?EXPOSITIONVerse 42. The defeat of the nations who fought with King David was so utter and complete that they were like powders pounded in a mortar; t...

Matthew 27:46

My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me? (Tee mou, qee mou, ina ti me egkatelipe;). Matthew first transliterates the Aramaic, according to the Vati...

Colossians 2:14

Having blotted out (exaleipsa). And so cancelled. First aorist active participle of old verb exaleipw, to rub out, wipe off, erase. In N.T. only in ...

Sermon LV. On the Lord's Passion IV., Delivered on Wednesday in Holy Week.

Sermon LV. On the Lord's Passion IV., Delivered on Wednesday in Holy Week.Sermon LV. On the Lord's Passion IV., Delivered on Wednesday in Holy Week. I...

1 John 5:6

This (outo). Jesus the Son of God (verse 1?John 5 ). He that came (o elqwn). Second aorist active articular participle of ercomai, referring to the ...


Weakness While the Gospels often use the word weakness to describe the many illnesses Jesus healed, the concept of weakness is seldom used in a physic...

Psalms 109:29

Psalms 109:29 Let mine adversaries be clothed with shame This is only explanative of what is said before, And let them cover themselves with their ow...