Search Results for genesis 10

Found 481 Results for genesis 10
7 Important Things to Know about Circumcision in the Bible

Jessica Van Roekel

The state of our hearts before the Lord is vital to our relationship with him, which is why we must cut away anything that hinders us from loving him with our whole heart. ...

Does God Have a Sense of Humor?

Molly Law

From the very beginning, we were created in God’s image. What an immense honor it is to have the features of God, to be like Him. If we have a sense of humor, then the One who created us has a sense o...

What Connects the Abrahamic Religions?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

The Abrahamic religions combined have the largest group of followers of any faith on the planet. So what connects them together?...

The Rich Young Ruler Reflects Our Own Struggles with Money

Frank Santora

Jesus’ statement challenges the idea of working hard and climbing the ladder of success, and confronts the current of independence and materialism that is foundational to our modern society....

What Does the Bible Say about Poverty and the Poor?

John D. Barry

The poor are near and dear to God’s heart. How we treat the impoverished is a major concern throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. You simply cannot have the gospel of Jesus and neg...

What Does the Bible Say about Relationships?

Kristi Woods

What does the Bible say about relationships? We all have them—with friends, spouses, parents, children, and more. Some flow easily and bring much joy. Others not so much. What, then, should we...

Was the Fall a Necessary Part of God’s Plan for Humanity?

Ed Jarrett

We messed up and God is working to fix the problem. But is that really the case? Was the fall an unfortunate failure on the part of humanity that God is working to overcome? Or was the fall a necessar...

Does the Bible Encourage Us to Be Creative?

Bethany Verrett

The ultimate form of creativity, of course, was creation. While humanity takes things that already exist, like minerals, woods, and pigments, and makes something new, God took void, and created the un...

How Does Scripture Instruct Us to Care for the Poor?

Emma Danzey

The Lord calls us in His Word to look out for the needs of the poor. We are to love them well. We are worshiping God when we care for them. We are loving Jesus when we love people who have needs....

Does God Forgive All of Our Sins?

Jessica Brodie

The good news is that God will forgive our sins. In the early days, people sacrificed animals and did other rituals to make up for their wrongdoings, but these things had to be done over and over agai...

Why Was David Killing Uriah the Hittite Darker than You Think?

Joel Ryan

Most readers will recognize Uriah as the husband of Bathsheba, who suffered an incredible injustice at the hands of his king. But who was Uriah really, and what should we know about him?...

What Does the Bible Say about Food and Eating?

Emma Danzey

Food is one of the best gifts that God has given to us. God’s Word has answers for everything. What does the Bible say about food and eating?...

Reconciliation in the Bible: It's Meaning & Why We Need It

Jessica Brodie

They hurt you so badly it’s impacted much of your life, so badly you’re not sure you can ever forget, let alone forgive. Yet in your heart you know you’re supposed to forgive them....

Will Obedience to God Restrict My Life?

Ruth Clemence

For some believers, it may be hard to be obedient when we are aware of our weaknesses or find it a challenge to obey God in a culture that finds Him irrelevant, non-existent or false. Is obedience to ...

How Can Parents Effectively Explain the Gospel to Their Kids?

Sheila Alewine

As parents, we must have a firm grip on the gospel ourselves, and be committed to teaching it, speaking of it, and illustrating it in our daily lives, so that our children will not only hear it, but s...

3 Undeniable Truths to Help Us Understand the Trinity

Sheila Alewine

The nature of the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit - is just something that we will never be able to understand this side of eternity. But it doesn't mean we can't catch glimp...

Why Should We Bother Reading the Book of Numbers?

Joel Ryan

Though many Christians may gloss over the book of Numbers because of the extensive list of names and numbers found in chapters 1 and 26, the fourth book of the Bible explores several important and bea...

How to Rest in the Lord When Your World Is Upside Down

Seth L. Scott

The practice of rest can seem like an intangible luxury in our chaotic world, but our willingness to relinquish control in the structure of the day and rhythm of the week to a loving Creator demonstra...

How God Uses Messy Moms to Fulfill His Plan

Sheila Alewine

No matter where we are on the path of motherhood, or even “grand-motherhood,” we can all be classified as “messy moms.” We might be a mess. We might think we’re making a mess of it all, but we all hav...

Does the Bible Condone Slavery?

Jessica Brodie

Never in the Bible does it command slaveowners to end their practice. Never does it say, “Slavery is against God’s will,” and never does it say, “Thou shalt not own slaves.” Given all this, many peopl...