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Found 652 Results for overwhelmed
Luke 5

CHAPTER 5 Luke 5:1-11 . MIRACULOUS DRAUGHT OF FISHES--CALL OF PETER, JAMES, AND JOHN. Not their first call, however, recorded in John 1:35-...

Ezekiel 3

Chapter 33:1 Moreover he said to me, Son of man, eat what thou findest; a eat this scroll, and go speak to the house of Israel. (a) By which is meant ...

Revelation 12:14

was given Again, we see the sovereignty of God Who provides for her. See commentary concerning God?s sovereignty at Revelation 6:2. two wings of a gre...

Letter CCLXIX.(1)

Letter CCLXIX.(1) Letter CCLXIX.(1) To the wife of Ariathaeus, the General. Consolatory.1. IT had been only proper, and due to your affection, that I...

Joshua 1

CHAPTER 1 Joshua 1:1-18 . THE LORD APPOINTS JOSHUA TO SUCCEED MOSES. 1. Now after the death of Moses--Joshua, having been already appointed and...

Ezekiel 43

The Book of EzekielChapter 43Chapter Overview: In this chapter and the next, the temple - service is described, but under the type of the Old Testam...

Job 6:14

Job 6:14 To him that is afflicted pity [should be showed] from his friend An afflicted man is an object of pity, one that is afflicted of God; either ...

Psalm 69:21

?EXPOSITIONVerse 21. They gave me also gall for my meat. This was the sole refreshment cruelty had prepared for him. Others find pleasure in their foo...

Psalm 143:5

?EXPOSITION Verse 5. I remember the days of old. When we see nothing new which can cheer us, let us think upon old things. We once had merry days, day...

Acts 24

Chapter?24 The speech of Tertullus against Paul. (1-9) Paul's defence before Felix. (10-21) Felix trembles at the reasoning of Paul. (22-27) ...

Acts 27

John Darby commentary for Acts 27Acts Chapter 27His innocence fully established and acknowledged by his judges, the purposes of God must still be acc...

Genesis 6:17

Genesis 6:17 And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth That there was such a flood of waters brought upon the earth, is confir...

1 Samuel 24

CHAPTER 24 1?Samuel 24:1-7 . DAVID IN A CAVE AT ENGEDI CUTS OFF SAUL'S SKIRT, BUT SPARES HIS LIFE. 2. Saul .?.?. went .?.?. to seek David ....

Deuteronomy 4

The Book of DeuteronomyChapter 4Chapter Overview: An exhortation to obedience, ver. 1 - 13. A warning against idolatry, ver. 14 - 28. A promise upo...


\\INTRODUCTION TO 2 CORINTHIANS 4\\ In this chapter, the apostle declares the constancy, sincerity, and integrity of him, and his fellow ministers, ...

Psalm 31:14

?EXPOSITIONVerse 14-18. In this section of the Psalm he renews his prayers, urging the same pleas as at first: earnest wrestlers attempt over and over...

Psalm 136:15

?EXPOSITION Verse 15. But overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red sea. Here comes the thunder clap. Though we hear them sounding peal upon peal, yet...


SPARROW spar'-o (tsippor; strouthion; Latin passer): A small bird of the Fringillidae family. The Hebrew tsippor seems to have been a generic name un...

Psalm XXIV.

Psalm XXIV. Psalm XXIV. A Psalm OF David Himself, ON The First Day OF The Week. 1. A Psalm of David himself, touching the glorifying and resurrection ...

Daniel 8

The Book of DanielChapter 8Chapter Overview: This and the following chapters are not writ in Chaldee, but in Hebrew, for the benefit of the Jews. H...