Search Results for mark 2

Found 519 Results for mark 2
10 Things You Should Know about Fasting

Sam Storms

If there is a single driving force in our society today it may well be what I call instant self-gratification. It is into this mindset in our society that the Bible speaks about fasting. ...

What Does the Bible Say about Hypocrisy, and Are Christians Hypocrites?

Mike Leake

The truth is, it’s a good thing when someone is appalled by hypocrisy. Because Jesus is also appalled by that. Rather than defending ourselves, it’s a better idea to use it as an opportunity to point ...

Three Steps for Studying the Gospels

Johnny Cisneros

A Bible study guide for the Gospels...

27 Easter Quotes and Blessings to Celebrate the Incredible Miracle of Jesus

Kathy Collard Miller

Without Easter, there’s no Christianity. No wonder there are so many powerful Easter quotes about this essential celebration....

What Does It Mean That We Are "Image Bearers"?

Ruth Clemence

We are made in the image of God, but because of sin, that image has been distorted. All of us are still image bearers and we need to live with that in mind as we interact with others and love our neig...

What Is the Purpose of Baptism for Christians?

Rev. Kyle Norman

Baptism is not an end; it is a beginning. One is baptized into a new life, as a sign of one’s new creation by the Spirit of Jesus, embodied within the context of a new community. In this way, despite ...

What Are the Gates of Hell Jesus Talked About?

Maddy Rager

Anyone who has been around Christian culture for some time has heard, “the gates of hell will not prevail.” But does this phrase mean Jesus wanted the church to attack the gates of hell, or something ...

Should We Be on the Lookout for Angels – Especially Guardian Angels?

Sheila Alewine

Have you ever had an encounter with an angel? Perhaps I should rephrase that: Have you ever been aware of an encounter with an angel?As a little girl, I often asked God to allow me to see His angels. ...

The World's Wisdom Bows Down

Why else would the magi have taken such an arduous trip if not for an aching need to satisfy a hunger that all of the world’s wisdom had not yet satisfied?...

Meaning and Importance of God's Name ‘El Roi’- The God Who Sees Me

Hope Bolinger

How wonderful that God sees each one of us, no matter how alone or invisible life can make us feel. Here are three beautiful reasons why not only Hagar, but every human, can praise El Roi today and al...

Why Was Jesus Given a Crown of Thorns?

Pamela Palmer

The crown of thorns that was being used as a way to hurt and mock Jesus and his claims of being a king has instead become a powerful reminder of exactly who Jesus is and what he went through to save t...

Why Was Jesus Baptized and Did He Need to Be?

Pamela Palmer

Baptism is an important event in the life of the believer. It signifies rebirth into one's faith and a commitment to the Lord. But Jesus lived a perfect sinless life, and is one part of the Trinity. S...

What Does "the Joy of the Lord Is My Strength" Mean in the Bible?

Meg Bucher

Ezra read from God’s Word and recited His Law to the people (recorded in Nehemiah 8), and they were shattered by the vast disobedience and rebellion. ...

 "Honor Your Father and Mother": A Biblical Command We Never Outgrow

Meg Bucher

Halfway through the Ten Commandments, God instructs His people to honor their fathers and mothers. Peter repeats in Ephesians 6:1, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.&...

How Can the Bible Help Us Recover from Burnout?

Ruth Clemence

We are not the savior and rescuer that we often pretend we are. We are finite, vulnerable individuals who need basic needs met to continue to function, let alone thrive. Whereas God can be everywhere ...

An Unlikely Lesson in Faith from the Thief on the Cross

Lisa Loraine Baker

We, on this side of Calvary, can surmise the thief took all the mocking of Jesus to heart. No matter their intent, the thief heard the crowd remind Jesus that He said He would “destroy the temple and ...

Overcoming the Curse of Words

The curse of words includes words spoken by others (or even by yourself) that are intended to inflict harm or damage, to belittle you, or to wish you evil. But, in Christ, no curse of words has to con...

When Did Jesus See Satan "Fall Like Lightning"?

In one of the more enigmatic verses in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus tells His disciples, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven" (Luke 10:18). When did He mean?...

Who Were the Godfearers, and Which "God" Did They Fear?

Chelica Hiltunen

The meanings of words change over time, which is why we need to consider original historical, social and religious contexts of terms like ‘Godfearer'...

12 Spiritual Benefits of Afflictions and Suffering

Mark Altrogge

God is the great artist who produces the ultimate masterpieces – sons and daughters in the likeness of his Son Jesus Christ. So he makes every stroke of the Master’s brush, every tap of the Sculptor’s...