Search Results for 1 corinthians 10:10

Found 34 Results for 1 corinthians 10:10
What Does It Mean to Have Strongholds In Our Lives?

Betty Dunn

What kind of strongholds does Paul warn us to avoid? Are they mental or spiritual? Fortunately, the Bible doesn't leave us in the dark about how to handle strongholds whatever they may be....

10 Tips for Building Faithful Habits

Lisa Loraine Baker

Have you decided to begin or renew a particular Christian habit? Proverbs 4:7 tells us wisdom is the skillful application of knowledge. There is a moral component to it as well. Know who you are befor...

Why Is It Essential That We Guard Our Hearts?

Kristi Walker

Proverbs 4:23 instructs us to "guard your heart with all diligence," but why is that so important and how do we apply it to our everyday lives? What happens if we don't guard our hearts?...

How Do You Take Your Thoughts Captive, like the Bible Commands?

Matt Tommey

Without a clear understanding of why we take every thought captive and the power that it gives us to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in our daily lives, well-meaning, devoted Christians will be left fr...

How Does 'Every Good and Perfect Gift' Come from Above?

Jessica Udall

The Bible says in the book of James that “every good and perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17). But surely this doesn’t mean that the birthday gift from a friend or the drawing from our preschooler...

What Is Soteriology and Why Is it Essential for All Christians to Know?

Jean Wilund

Soteriology isn’t uniquely Christian, but it is biblical. Paul demonstrates the use of soteriology in his letter to the Corinthian church....

Is Satan Real?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

A recent study found that more Americans believe in Satan than in God. But is Satan real? Here's what the Bible has to tell us about him....

How to Ask God for Forgiveness

Stephanie Englehart

Through the gospel, we are now capable of forgiving others because Jesus has first forgiven us (Ephesians 4:32). Being forgiven by the risen Christ means we now have the power to fight the enemy’s tem...

5 Ways to Love Your Unsaved Friends

Denise Kohlmeyer

Here are a few ways to express our love to our unsaved friends. These can also apply to unsaved family members, co-workers, neighbors—anyone in your relationship sphere who does not know Jesus as Savi...

What’s So Good about the Gospel?

Meredith N Mills

Many gospel conversations focus on life after death: All have sinned. Sin separates us from God. Jesus died to save us from hell and make heaven possible for those who believe in him. But what if this...

What Does the Bible Say About Insecurity?

Tessa Emily Hall

In our performance-based culture, it's all too easy to have insecurity. Fortunately, the Bible presents some important tools for understanding and extinguishing our insecurity....

Why Was Lucifer, Satan, Banished to Hell?

Dolores Smyth

Satan’s pride was the first sin committed in the universe, and humanity has been on notice ever since that pride goeth before the fall. Arguably, all sins are rooted in pride if we consider that sin i...

The Power of Choosing to Prioritize Your Health

Frank Santora

Poor choices can create a bondage to ill health that literally steals away years from the life God has promised. The good news is, even if we have made seriously wrong choices regarding our health in ...

What Does it Mean That God's Love Is Unconditional?

R. Keith Whitt

God's love is not like the love expressed by many in our culture today: a love of convenience and ego. God's unconditional love never fails, endures forever, is uncalculating, and not motivated by pe...

Does the Bible Condemn Using Tarot Cards?

Lisa Loraine Baker

A piece of printed paper or cardstock is, in and of itself, harmless. But the use of such an article for sinful intent is therefore evil. Because of their use in a sinful manner, it’s best to have no ...

4 Practical Ways We Can Grow in Grace

Jessica Udall

God’s grace is not bestowed on us because of our good works, but it is bestowed on us to enable us to do the good works that God had in mind for us to do before the creation of the world!...

What Are the 4 Spiritual Laws that Every Christian Should Know?

Annette Griffin

The term “Four Spiritual Laws” does not appear in Scripture, but the principles do. CRU’s goal was to create an outreach tool that would organize biblically based steps for salvation into a straightfo...

What Does the "Renewing of the Mind" Look Like for Christians?

Matt Tommey

That rich and satisfying life manifests in the life of believers through one simple, lifechanging strategy: the renewing of the mind....

From Glory to Glory

Perfection is the goal of God’s sanctifying work in us. He’s not merely making us better than we are; he is conforming us to the image of his Son....

Can God Actually Lead Us into Temptation?

Britt Mooney

A question naturally follows. Does God actually lead us into temptation? That seems opposite of a good God who cares about us. It makes us uncomfortable....