Search Results for abraham and isaac

Found 128 Results for abraham and isaac
How Does Abraham Offering Isaac Help Us Trust God?

Debbie W. Wilson

Many of us who grew up in church know the story of Abraham and Isaac. After waiting his entire long life for a promised son, God finally provides Isaac. A few years later, He commands Abraham to sacri...

Who Was Isaac and Why Was He So Important?

Bethany Verrett

Understanding the lives of the people featured in the Bible can help Christians understand God’s plan for their own lives and the world. Some of them led exciting lives as kings, travelling hundreds o...

How Abraham Teaches Us to Trust God’s Good Provision

Frank Santora

Clearly, in the age we live in, as we are facing high inflation rates and rising fuel and food prices, we need to know Him as Jehovah Jireh, God our Provider. We need to know that our source of susten...

How Old Was Abraham When He Died?

Kelly-Jayne McGlynn

Abraham is famous for trusting God to bear him at such a late stage in life, and he continued trusting him for another 75 years. But what else do we know about what Abraham accomplished in his long li...

What Connects the Abrahamic Religions?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

The Abrahamic religions combined have the largest group of followers of any faith on the planet. So what connects them together?...

What Are We to Make of Human Sacrifices in the Bible?

Bethany Verrett

Despite all the evil of the world, the death and resurrection of Jesus defeated death forever, unlike human sacrifice, which did nothing. Sacrifice to idols is meaningless, but faith in Jesus Christ i...

8 Uplifting Lessons from the Life of Ishmael

Pamela Palmer

The life of Ishmael is tragic and confusing in some ways, but we find that God took care of Ishmael and his mother, Hagar. In Ishmael’s life, we see evidence of a loving God who is faithful and good. ...

What Can Christians Learn from the Fate of the Ishmaelites?

Britt Mooney

Just how important are the Ishmaelites in the Bible?...

What Does the Bible Say about Trust and its Importance?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Trust is important for Christians because we start out trusting that God sent His Son to earth. We trust that Jesus was born through the Virgin Mary. We were not there, but we trust the scriptures tha...

What Do We Know about the Ishmaelites?

Mike Leake

In accordance with God's guidance, Abraham sent Hagar and Ishmael into the wilderness. The Bible recounts that God, in His mercy, provided for Ishmael and promised to make a great nation from his desc...

How to Teach Difficult Bible Stories to Your Kids

Shelby Turner

“Mom, why would God do that? Why would he tell a dad to hurt his little boy?” We had just finished reading a chapter titled “The Gift” in the Jesus Storybook Bible and my five-year old’s eyes had grow...

Will We Know Each Other in Heaven?

Colin Smith

David knew that he would see his son again in the presence of the Lord, and knowing that he would be reunited with the son he loved brought him comfort in his bereavement....

How Do We See God’s Love in Action through Jacob and Rachel’s Love Story?

Jessica Brodie

God has a plan that He will fulfill despite our all-too-human orchestrations, manipulations, and petty jealousies. Despite Rachel and Leah’s sisterly squabbles and the addition of two more wives into ...

Who Are the 12 Tribes of Israel, and Why Are They Important?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

The 12 tribes or sons came from Jacob who the Lord renamed Israel in Genesis 32. If you read Genesis 49, you will see the 12 sons or what we now know as the 12 tribes. ...

Does Exodus 23:25 Promise God’s Blessing if We Worship Him?

Bethany Verrett

This blessing assured the soon-to-be nation of Israel that if they loved Him and kept His ways, He would bless them with good food, an abundance of water, and health. This covenant with the nation of ...

Just Who Were the 12 Tribes of Israel?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Joseph, Benjamin. Just who were these 12 men, and what is their significance of their 12 Tribes? These names and their ancesto...

Dark Sayings and Riddles in the Bible

When we come to the end of the Old Testament, we have no answer to the question of how all these things will be resolved. The resolution is brought about by means of the greatest plot twist in the his...

Why You Really Should Read 1 Samuel

Bethany Verrett

The Bible is full of poems, parables, and prophecy as part of a larger story about God’s plan for humanity. Over the course of thousands of years recorded in the Word, different writers and prophets c...

How Old Was Noah, Exactly, When He Died?

Connor Salter

The question “how old was Noah when he died?” is one of those classic Bible trivia questions, right up there with “how old was Methuselah?”...