Search Results for acts 7:1

Found 21 Results for acts 7:1
Who Were the Godfearers, and Which "God" Did They Fear?

Chelica Hiltunen

The meanings of words change over time, which is why we need to consider original historical, social and religious contexts of terms like ‘Godfearer'...

What Is a Deacon?

Dawn Wilson

Deacons assist the pastor in a number of ways. This might include helping in programs involving the educational interests of the church, or in evangelistic, missionary, or charitable outreaches. ...

What Is the Feast of Pentecost in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

In the New Testament, events at the Feast of Pentecost mark a new era in the church. However, to fully understand what happened to the disciples that day in the upper room, we need to consider what th...

Why Did the First Believers Receive the Holy Spirit Via Tongues of Fire?

Britt Mooney

When the feast of Pentecost arrived, “tongues of fire” descended upon each disciple (Acts 2:3). What exactly were these tongues of fire?...

How Can We Cultivate a Spirit of Reverence in Today's World?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Certain biblical words take on extra spiritual “weight” in the light of their object. Reverence is one such term. ...

Knowing God’s Will

We were looking for God’s will as if it were buried treasure. But that didn’t make sense. Wouldn’t God want us to know His will? Why would He hide it from us? It was as if we were assuming God is a Co...

Why Is Mount Sinai One of the Most Important Landmarks in the Bible?

Emma Danzey

This landmark was significant to the communication between God and Moses, as well as the place of intimacy. Mount Sinai itself is not holy, however, the Lord dwelling on top of that mountain made it h...

The Role of Women in the Church: Are We Missing the Mark?

Eric Costanzo

There has been much debate regarding the “created order” and “the Fall” in Genesis 1-3, and how they relate to women preaching, teaching, and leading in the church according t...

How to Be Brave

Heather Adams

By spending time studying God’s Word, lifting up prayers, and giving Him worship, we’ll grow in our knowledge and awe of Him. Our faith will increase, which will help us to stand more firmly when chal...

Why Should We Know about the Overlooked Judge Shamgar?

Lisa Loraine Baker

. Shamgar served as the third judge over Israel, after Othniel and Ehud. Under Ehud, Israel had rest for 80 years (Judges 3:30)....

Did God Condone Violence Found in the Old Testament?

Jessica Brodie

Reading the Old Testament with an eye on the New Testament indicates another perspective about the violence throughout the earth’s earlier days. We know God’s ultimate plan involves rescuing His peopl...

How Does Matthew Prove That Jesus Is the Messiah?

Ed Jarrett

The gospel of Matthew, like the other three canonical gospels, tells the good news about Jesus. They are not biographies in the modern sense. They tell us very little about his early life. Rather th...

Why Is Joseph of Arimathea included in the Easter Story?

Lisa Baker

A good and righteous man (Luke 23:50). To be described as righteous in Scripture is high commendation, putting Joseph of Arimathea in the company of Abraham....

How Long Is a Generation in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

How many years is a generation in the Bible? The answer helps us to understand not just how the Bible emphasizes the importance of family, but also why it's important to pass lessons on....

What Does the Bible Say about Hypocrisy, and Are Christians Hypocrites?

Mike Leake

The truth is, it’s a good thing when someone is appalled by hypocrisy. Because Jesus is also appalled by that. Rather than defending ourselves, it’s a better idea to use it as an opportunity to point ...

What Does It Mean That "Your Life Is Hidden with Christ"?

Ruth Clemence

Jesus is in heaven with the Father. Yet we are told in Colossians 3:3 that our life is “hidden with Christ in God.” How can our life be hidden with Jesus in heaven, whilst we carry on living here on t...

The Beautiful Reality of Why We Should Submit Ourselves to God

Dawn Wilson

In submission Christians remember what God has done in saving, providing, protecting, and much more. Submission should well up from a heart of gratitude. Formerly enemies, God’s children were rescued ...

When the Knowledge That God Is in Control Isn’t Comforting

Lisa Loraine Baker

Sometimes telling someone who is facing a trial that God is in control feels to them like platitudes. We’ve all heard it before, but deep in our hearts, do we believe it when we are suffering? Often, ...

Is the Assumption of Mary in the Bible?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

The doctrine of the Assumption of Mary, the mother of Jesus, is necessarily understood within the larger framework of a theology of Mary. Roman Catholic doctrine expresses that theology in a fourfold ...

The Forever King: Seeing Jesus in 2 Samuel

Here in 2 Samuel, as we look at the king God put on the earthly throne over his people—the throne that was to be an earthy extension of his heavenly throne—we get a glimpse of the forever God intends ...