Search Results for forty

Found 102 Results for forty
Why Are There So Many Repeated Numbers in the Bible?

Michael Jakes

In the Bible, numbers play an even more important role in that they communicate. They symbolically represent essential concepts which help us to better understand the workings of God throughout biblic...

How Long Did Jesus' Fast in the Wilderness Last?

Jessica Brodie

In both accounts, Jesus fasts, which means he voluntarily reduced or eliminate his intake of food. The devil tempts Jesus during this time, attempting to take advantage of Jesus’s weakened state. He t...

Why Do So Many Things Take “40 Days and 40 Nights” in the Bible?

Jessica Brodie

There are dozens of times the number 40 is mentioned throughout the Bible, as well. For instance, Isaac was forty years old when he married Rebekah (Genesis 25:20). The Israelites wandered 40 years in...

5 Ways to Do Lent Differently This Year

Pamela Palmer

Many Christians around the world are looking ahead as Easter approaches. Believers of Christ anticipate Holy Week and seek ways to prepare their hearts for this special season. Many Christians partici...

Don’t Lose Heart, Because God Is Not Finished with You Yet

Frank Santora

God takes even our wrongs and brings right out of them. He won’t quit on His plans because you complicated things. He won’t abandon and forget you because you failed. He won’t write you off, and cance...

Why Is the Number Three So Important in the Bible?

Bethany Verrett

God’s Word is straight-forward. There is no codex to these numbers; they are numbers God chooses to use to communicate to His people. The number three tells us about Him. It is a holy number that rela...

10 Things You Never Knew about Oswald Chambers

Paul Kent

[Editor's Note: Paul Kent is a writer and editor in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His book Oswald Chambers: A Life in Pictures (Discovery House) released in November for the one hundredth anniversary o...

How Caleb’s Journey of Faith Encourages Us Today

Brad Simon

Caleb left an inheritance of a godly example for us to emulate. Despite what happened to him, he remained loyal to the Lord. While everyone around him doubted, he looked to God for his strength to go ...

10 Things the Bible Tells Us about Hope

Debbie W. Wilson

Author Hal Lindsey said, “Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air… but only for one second without hope.” Hope not only affects how ...

What Does the Bible Say about Fasting?

Meg Bucher

Right alongside prayer, fasting is how we grow closer to our great God. We celebrate Jesus’ victory over death here on earth but look forward to the immensity of His presence upon His return....

Acts: The Remedy for "Irrelevant" Church

In our day one of the nicer things said about the institutional church is that it is “irrelevant.” The book of Acts carries the remedy....

9 Judges You Probably Forgot About

Alyssa Roat

It’s not unlikely that you might hear a sermon preached on Gideon. The story of Samson is a Sunday School staple — despite some of its more mature elements. And Deborah serves as an insp...

What Does the Bible Say about Gray Hair?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The Bible is clear that we should show respect for the elderly. There is much we can learn from those who are older and who have walked with God for a long time. Many elderly people have legacies of G...

Who Was Zipporah and What Can We Learn from Her Life?

Bethany Verrett

There are many lessons to learn from the marriage of Moses and Zipporah about leadership, communication, and how there can be unintended consequences to zealous obedience. ...

How to Keep Pushing through to Your Promised Land

Frank Santora

Sometimes it’s a very long journey from “Egypt” to the “Promised Land” in our lives. After the excitement of deliverance from bondage to Pharoah, we set off into the wilderness, thinking it’s only an ...

A Beautiful Ash Wednesday Prayer with Reflection Prompts

Noelle Kirchner

While Ash Wednesday isn’t mentioned in the Bible, Scripture does testify to the practice of repenting in dust and ashes. The ashes for Ash Wednesday are typically provided by burning the palms from Pa...

Is Lent 40 or 46 Days Long and When Does it End?

Hope Bolinger

When we begin to crave sugar or meat, we may wonder when does Lent end this year? And why does it last for 40 days?...

Do We See Any Gospel Connections in the Book of Numbers?

Mike Leake

The Book of Numbers is really a travel story. Now, if it’s a travel story through the cornfields of Kansas, you can’t fault the editor for thinking “Book of Numbers” might at least hit the math-nerd d...

10 Things You Should Know about Fasting

Sam Storms

If there is a single driving force in our society today it may well be what I call instant self-gratification. It is into this mindset in our society that the Bible speaks about fasting. ...