Search Results for he gives:

Found 997 Results for he gives:
Beyond Sunday: He Gives Sleep

Faith brings calm with it, and banishes the disturbers who both by day and by night murder peace. ...

What Gives Christmas Its Meaning?

Dr. Roger Barrier

Dear Roger,From your perspective, what is the real meaning of Christmas? Can you help me dig deeper and really understand?Sincerely, EstherDear Esther,When I think of the real meaning of Christma...

Is It Biblical to Say “the Lord Gives, and the Lord Takes Away”?

Jessica Brodie

It’s important to know that God’s plan is not for humans to live separated from Him by sin forever. He gave us temporary bodies on purpose, knowing that if we chose the true path—His Son, Jesus—we wou...

5 Important Life Lessons from the Patience of Job

Jennifer Heeren

The story of Job in the Bible shows a man who suffered but never turned away from God. Job didn’t understand everything, and he got frustrated, but he still showed patience by keeping his face poised ...

5 Verses to Motivate You for the Day

Micah Maddox

We all have those days when we want to pull the covers back up over our heads and hit the snooze button one more time. There is the occasional day that we wake up motivated and ready to conquer the ...

Can Christians Take Biblical Stewardship Too Far?

Stephen Baker

Stewardship refers to the act of managing someone else’s property that they have entrusted to your care for a time. ...

6 Ways the Holy Spirit Transforms Our Lives

Justin Torres

The Holy Spirit gives believers the power to live like Jesus and be bold witnesses for him. Of course, there are many ways he goes about doing this, so we’re going to talk about the most common ones.&...

7 Verses That Encourage Us to Have Faith over Fear

Micah Maddox

The hope we have is that God’s Word gives us everything we need to fight against the fears that seem to come at us at the most inconvenient times. We do not have to live riddled with anxious thoughts,...

What Sort of Peace Does Jesus Offer?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Peace. We could all use a little more of that in our lives these days. In John 14:27, Jesus tells his disciples "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. D...

10 Verses from James to Deepen Your Faith

Micah Maddox

Things like death, or circumstances that bring grief in strong waves, or pain that feels unbearable, causes us to either lean into faith or push away from it. The book of James in the New Testament gi...

Goodness to All

Stephen Davey

Loving our enemies is not an easy task, but it is what God did for us....

6 Verses to Cling to When You Are Overwhelmed

Micah Maddox

There will always be something in life that will rock our world, knock us off our feet, or overwhelm our souls in a way we don’t know how to handle. But God’s Word gives us the hope and help we need w...

10 Biblical Truths about Real Friendship

Drew Hunter

What does the Bible say about friendship? Perhaps more than we may have thought. The theme of friendship weaves through the whole storyline of Scripture, climaxing at the cross of Jesus Christ and str...

What Are the Seven Spirits of God?

Heather Riggleman

What are the seven spirits of God? This question arises when we stumble into the book of Isaiah and Revelations. The only way to truly know the seven spirits of God is to get to know God Himself throu...

10 Truths We Learn about Wisdom in Ecclesiastes 7

Sheila Alewine

The book of Ecclesiastes is King Solomon’s own accounting of his life’s pursuits. Gifted by God with wisdom exceeding any living man, innumerable possessions, and more wealth than he could spend in se...

10 Ways God Shows His Lovingkindness to You Each Day

Hope Bolinger

God extends lovingkindness to us. He gives us mercy, favor, and kindness when we least deserve it. Let's explore 10 ways we see God’s lovingkindess on a daily basis....

God's Antidote to Worry

Frank Santora

Our antidote to the toxic effects of worry is the finding the peace of God. This peace is supernatural, and protects us when the enemy attacks. It is far superior to any peace the world can offer, and...

Why Does James Say We Should Be "Slow to Speak"?

Pamela Palmer

The letter written by James was penned to Jewish Christians scattered throughout the Roman Empire. It contains many key themes, such as trials, faith and works, wisdom, and riches and poverty. The let...

Why Should Teolology Matter to Christians?

Ben Reichert

Teleology helps us see that all things have a purpose - which means that life means far more than we think....