Search Results for jeremiah 42

Found 29 Results for jeremiah 42
Does God Ever Change His Mind?

Changing our minds feels so natural to us as humans, it’s hard to envision life without it. But what would it mean for God to change his mind? Does he? Could he? Or are all his plans and purposes immu...

What Does the Bible Say about Depression?

Jessica Brodie

For those who don’t have it, depression can be hard to understand. A mood disorder with both mental and physical impacts, depression is different from typical feelings of sadness or grief. Som...

What Does the Bible Say about Abortion?

Tamela Turbeville

As followers of Jesus, our stance should align with God’s. Now, more than ever, our voice should speak truth against the enemy, and the best defense against the world and the enemy is knowing ...

5 Things Christians Need to Know about Idolatry

Jessica Udall

Idols, whether physical (statues) or intangible (power, fame, wealth, etc.), will passively receive love and worship, but they will never give back nor do they have any power to save their worshippers...

Is Our Life Impacted by Luck?

Ruth Clemence

Believers have the amazing privilege to go directly to the throne of God through Jesus, and ask Him for wisdom and direction. We do not need to cross our fingers and hope for the best, whilst avoiding...

How to Distinguish a True Christian from a Hypocrite

Founders Ministries Blog

How can you tell whether you’re a genuine believer or a false believer? Here are 5 signs of a hypocrite and 5 signs of a true follower of Jesus....

6 Things to Know about the Messianic Prophecies of Jesus

Dawn Wilson

Biblical scholars say there are approximately 2,500 prophecies are in the Bible—with about 2,000 of them already fulfilled. But only a few hundred of these are Messianic prophecies. Fulfilled prophecy...

Why Is the ‘Lamb of God’ So Significant?

Whitney Hopler

Learning why the Lamb of God is so significant can inspire us with awe and deepen our trust in Jesus. ...

5 Things You Won't Believe Are NOT in the Bible

Cindi McMenamin

Would you believe there are some secular sayings that sound so religious people often believe they came from the Bible?  These pieces of presumed Christian “wisdom” can sound bibl...

Does God Work through Divine Intervention?

Stephanie Englehart

We must see that the whole story of the universe, the story of the cross, is the ultimate work of God’s divine intervention and plan. He is always initiating, engaging, adjusting, and personally playi...

How God Satisfies Us in a World That Screams for More

Ruth Clemence

It’s very easy to point the finger at someone who has visibly done something wrong, but what about wrong thinking? Is our thought life important? One of the commandments is “You shall no...

3 Unlikely Stories in the Bible That Inspire Us Toward Gratitude

Michael Jakes

We must never allow ingratitude to be named among us because Christians, more than anyone, have so much to be thankful for. Above all the things that we can be thankful for, we are to be most thankful...

How Can I Learn to See the Plank in My Eye? (Luke 6:42)

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Following Christ means allowing Him to be the judge and to forgive as He forgives. Here are three simple ways to avoid hypocrisy and remove the plank in your own eye....

Why 'Thy Will Be Done' Matters in Prayer

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

When Jesus taught us to pray with the Lord's Prayer, he included a crucial line: "Thy will be done." Later, before he is crucified, Jesus cries out to God, asking him to remove this obstacle. But he p...

Can You Take the Plank Out of Your Eye and Remove the Speck from Your Brother’s Eye?

Joel Ryan

Just how do you take the plank out of your eye and remove the speck from your brother’s eye? Fortunately, Jesus makes it clear how we should apply this teaching....

Why Is Joseph of Arimathea included in the Easter Story?

Lisa Baker

A good and righteous man (Luke 23:50). To be described as righteous in Scripture is high commendation, putting Joseph of Arimathea in the company of Abraham....

Are You Misusing the Verse 'Be Strong and Courageous’?

Jenna Brooke Carlson

"Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them." Joshua was about to lead the Israelites into what God promised them. ...

What Is the Bible’s Definition of Backslide?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The word “backslide” can have many connotations, but what does backslide mean in the Bible? To answer that question, we must first consider what people have backslidden from, and then whether their po...

When Is Ash Wednesday in 2022 and How Do We Celebrate it?

Emma Danzey

If you are wondering when is Ash Wednesday this year, we are only a few weeks away. February 17, 2021, is the day when many believers will recognize the beginning of Lent....

The Power of the Resurrection

Dena Johnson Martin

As we celebrate Easter, we celebrate the risen Savior. We celebrate triumph over sin and death. But how does it apply to our lives here on this earth?...