Search Results for life and godliness

Found 73 Results for life and godliness
What is Godliness? Paul's First Letter to Timothy

For Paul godliness is no static, stained-glass word. It is active—kinetic obedience that springs from a reverent awe of God....

"Cleanliness is Next to Godliness": Meaning and Origin

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

Godliness with Contentment Is Great Gain

Emma Danzey

We live in a saturated society where excess is the norm. This can appear like a good thing; we have so much comfort and security that many did not have before us. But the best this world offers still ...

Is the Phrase "Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness" Biblical?

Amanda Idleman

Many times, widely known sayings can influence our thinking, but the saying themselves lack biblical truth. It’s important that we take the time to research the things we accept as true....

Build in Layers

Rick Whitter

It helps to consider your life with God as a wall that is being built. Good materials, the right tools, and sound construction principles are required, if your wall is to stand....

7 Quality Keys to Longevity in Christ

Michael Jakes

How would you describe your walk with the Lord? Would you say that your walk has been difficult or easy? Has the road been smooth or rocky? Or has it been a series of ups and downs? I believe that if ...

How's Your Love Life?

Part of godliness is loving—as He loved—sacrificially, selflessly. Loving others not just with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth. ...

Transformed by Grace: The Power to Say No

According to Scripture, there is something that teaches us to say no to sin—something that trains us to renounce ungodliness and teaches us instead to live righteous and godly lives....

7 Beautiful Things the Bible Says about Health

Ruth Clemence

Health is often taken for granted until you lose it. Many will spend money to keep fit, buy the right food and adopt a lifestyle to stay healthy. When we become unwell, it can affect what we do, how w...

8 Habits of a Healthy Spiritual Life

John Barnett

God's Word teaches us eight habits that can keep us spiritually healthy until death. The habits recorded in Psalms 116 are not just for those who have one foot in the grave, they are actually good hab...

How Can Fathers Raise Kids without Provoking Them to Anger?

Jason Soroski

It is clear that fathers have a role to set the tone for Godliness in our homes. When fathers tell their kids how much better we were at their age, compare them to others unfairly, demand compliance t...

A Deeper Study of the Fruit of the Spirit: Self Control

Emma Danzey

Maybe it is not food that challenges you. Perhaps it is shopping, binging tv, social media, your work, or your temper? Whatever you cannot seem to get under control is a sin issue. We all need the hel...

What Are the Praiseworthy Things That Christians Should Think On?

Lisa Loraine Baker

One look at this list will show us the qualities of a righteous person, one committed to the Lord and one who keeps His Word. Where do we go to learn the hows of a godly life? The Bible. As we grow in...

Is It True That "God Desires for All Men to Be Saved"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

What can creep into people’s thoughts is, “What about truly evil people?” While on the surface this can seem like a very logical question, there is a recognition missing from it. There is an assumptio...

How Does the Bible Encourage Us to Seek Self-Control?

Heather Adams

In God’s view, gaining self-control is part of our progression toward Christ-likeness. In fact, the Apostle Paul included it in a list of basic qualities that believers should cultivate. “But the frui...

How Can We Live So Christ Is Glorified because of Us?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The key for us as believers is to be the people God created us to be! No longer are we to be conformed to the norms of the world, but we are to be transformed, living a life pleasing to Him who called...

Why Does the Bible Say It's Crucial to Exercise Self-Control?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

To be the people God wants us to be, we must show self-control. But what does the Bible say about achieving that? What advice does it give about achieving self-control?...

Beyond Sunday: Is Union with Christ Mysticism?

Paul's teaching on union with Christ has often been labeled as Christian "mysticism." This is an appropriate term if understood in a qualified sense....

What Is the Meaning of Modesty in the Bible?

Meg Bucher

Knowledge of who we are in Christ is crucial to a life of biblical modesty. Modesty is simplicity. Jesus sets the example of the life we are to lead in the pages of Scripture. Living a simple and mode...