Search Results for lion

Found 84 Results for lion
4 Powerful Reasons to Understand and Know Jesus as the Lion of Judah

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Often, when we think of Jesus one of the images that come to mind is the lamb. After all, when John the Baptist was about to baptize Jesus, he declared him the lamb of God who takes away the sins of t...

How Is Jesus Both the Lion and the Lamb?

Michael Jakes

One of the most fascinating attributes of God is His omnipotence; meaning that He possesses all power. At the same time we read in Scripture that He is merciful and compassionate. When we can begin to...

Why Are the Righteous “Bold as a Lion”?

Blair Parke

Those who are righteous in the eyes of God are said in this Scripture to be as bold as lions, standing firm in the faith while others of lesser faith (or no faith) flee. ...

Can We Really Tame Our Tongues?

Frank Santora

When your untamed mouth starts down the path of destruction – be a lion tamer and stop, listen to, and yield to the Holy Spirit instead. He is the good Ring Master in this crazy life circus. ...

What Is Recompense and How Does God Restore Us?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Throughout the Bible, recompense has various meanings, some in a favorable sense and some in an unfavorable sense. This same word can be translated as repayment, benefit, compensation, retaliation, re...

Why is Jesus ‘Gentle and Lowly’?

Jessica Brodie

Jesus is both man and God, Word and flesh. And as such, it is no wonder He is both the mighty Lion of Judah and the meek and humble sacrificial lamb slain for the sins of the world. ...

Who Is a Candidate to Receive a Miracle from God?

Frank Santora

We all face bad situations in which nothing we do seems to make any difference and hopelessness fills our hearts. It’s at times like this that we understand only a miracle will do – only the supernatu...

10 Lies Satan Feeds Us about Worship

Joe McKeever

Worship is an integral part of the Christian life. It allows us to solidify our relationship with God, and reminds us to focus our hearts and minds on his word. In the same way a human body requires f...

Should We Laugh at or Be Fearful of Eutychus' Death and Resurrection Story?

Hope Bolinger

Is it a funny story? A sad one? A sobering one? Eutychus falls from a window and literally dies. So what can we learn from him?...

Are Cherubs in the Bible?

Melissa Henderson

Are cherubs in the Bible, or just an image that appeared in Christian legends and artwork after the fact? Here's what the Bible says about this particular kind of angel....

3 Ways Satan Tries to Lure Us Away from Christ

Michael Jakes

From the very dawn of human history, Satan has made his intentions clear. Man has been the object of his intense hatred. As he conversed with Eve in the garden through the serpent, his purposes become...

12 Things You May Not Know about the Tribe of Judah

Bethany Verrett

Ultimately, the true significance of the tribe of Judah was not in the kings who reigned in Judah, or the many battles they won, but in the fulfillment of God’s divine plan to provide a Savior for the...

Just Who Were the 12 Tribes of Israel?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Joseph, Benjamin. Just who were these 12 men, and what is their significance of their 12 Tribes? These names and their ancesto...

Why Did Jesus Descend from the Tribe of Judah?

Barbara Latta

Have you ever wondered why Judah, the fourth son of Jacob and Leah, was chosen as the tribe that the Messiah would descend from? Out of twelve sons, why was Judah the chosen one?...

What Does It Mean that Jesus Is the Lamb of God?

Meghan Trapp

It’s not easy to imagine Jesus as the “Lamb of God.” But the name gives an important clue to what Jesus would do....

Who Was C.S. Lewis and What Did He Write?

Blair Parke

For those who aren’t familiar with the God-blessed work of this amazing man of faith, let’s take a journey into C.S. Lewis’ life and work – who he was, what he stood for, and why his legacy still impa...

The Gospel in Amos

How can we as God’s people today benefit from Amos? What is it that God has to say to us today through this Minor Prophet?...

8 Important Things We Overlook in the Book of Job

Barbara Latta

Our daily Bible readings give us spiritual food and help us know the God who created us. But when we encounter the difficult passages, it is easy to skim over them due to some theological questions we...

10 Ways to Reach Out to Your Neighbors This Halloween

Allie Boman

A candle shines brightest when it’s dark in the room. Halloween is a strange mixture of fall festivities and seemingly harmless kids’ costumes, all mixed in with horror movies and the ce...