Search Results for luke 16

Found 455 Results for luke 16
6 Things to Know about the Messianic Prophecies of Jesus

Dawn Wilson

Biblical scholars say there are approximately 2,500 prophecies are in the Bible—with about 2,000 of them already fulfilled. But only a few hundred of these are Messianic prophecies. Fulfilled prophecy...

The Role of Women in the Church: Are We Missing the Mark?

Eric Costanzo

There has been much debate regarding the “created order” and “the Fall” in Genesis 1-3, and how they relate to women preaching, teaching, and leading in the church according t...

Who Did Jesus Appear to First after His Resurrection?

Jessica Brodie

Taking a look at details of the resurrection story in such a focused lens tells us important things about Jesus and his view about people — and about women. ...

Why Do the Angels Say “Good Tidings of Great Joy”?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The shepherds were surrounded by bleating, smelly sheep and the dust that arose when they and their herds moved about. They had no idea what was about to happen — the pronouncement of the ages! ...

What Does the Bible Say about Women?

Kristi Woods

The Bible uses the word “man” throughout its pages. All twelve disciples were men. Many of the stories we read center on males, including those of Moses, Abraham, Paul, David and Joshua. But what does...

What Makes a Miracle?

Jessica Brodie

Whether the miracle has to do with healing sickness or infirmity and showcasing god’s power and status as Almighty God matters not; what matters is that the miracle isn’t merely coincidence, but rathe...

Christmas IQ Quiz

Dr. Ray Pritchard

How well do you know the Christmas story?...

What Is the Meaning of the Fourth Week of Advent Candle?

G. Connor Salter

The fourth advent candle is the last one lit for most advent wreaths, marking the last phase of the advent season....

What Do We Know about the Gospel Writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

Brad Simon

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were not just names on the pages of the Bible; they were real people with extraordinary journeys. Behind their inspired words lie tales of personal sacrifice and steadfas...

Do Christians Need Both Testaments of the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. You can’t have one without the other to come to as full an understanding of Scripture (and Him) a...

What Does “the Kingdom of God Is within You” Mean Exactly?

Betty Dunn

Adding to this promise of living in God’s kingdom is Luke’s inspiring statement that the kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:21). Jesus’ teachings about God within us contrasted sharply with the ext...

The Gospel in Joshua

The spotlight is not on Joshua’s moral example or on timeless principles of conduct but on Yahweh’s fulfillment of a historical promise. Even Joshua’s name (“Yahweh Saves!”) points away from himself t...

Where Can We See Jesus' Power and Authority on Full Display?

Lisa Loraine Baker

No doubt Jesus exposed His power and authority in the Bible. A look at why He said He came will give us fuller realization and wonder when we regard the Bible passages which record His acts of power a...

The City of Philippi in the Bible

Matthew Harmon

As a Roman colony, Philippi was intended to be a miniature version of Rome. However, the Roman character of the city did not erase the previously existing Greek Hellenistic culture....

3 Real Ways Christians Can Love Their Enemies

Dr. Michael A. Milton

In both Matthew 5:44 and Luke 6:27, Jesus calls for believers to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. We can learn how to apply Jesus’ command in our own lives by following the fullne...

Why Are There So Many Names for Jesus in the Christmas Story?

Mike Nappa

If the gospel writers are any indication, it’s entirely possible that our December 25 holiday could’ve been called “Immanuelmas.” Or maybe “Consolation-of-Israelmas.&rdqu...

Why Is it Important That Simon of Cyrene Carried the Cross?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Simon of Cyrene is mentioned by name in only three passages of Scripture: Matthew 27:32, Mark 15:21, and Luke 23:26). ...

16 Holy Week Prayers to Remind Us of the Beauty of the Cross

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

A holy week prayer is a practice Christians find helpful to focus our thoughts and prepare our hearts during the time we mark the most pivotal events of our faith. ...

Why Is it Important that Jesus Gave His Followers Peace When He Left Them?

Tammy Kennington

Jesus’s gift was intangible and of incalculable value. John 14:27 (NIV) explains, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.”...

Where Was Jesus Born? - 5 Things to Know about Bethlehem

Andreas Köstenberger | Jimmy Roh

The Bible tells us that Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem, which is just south of Jerusalem. It's a fact that most Christians and many non-Christians know, due to its inclusion in several popula...