Search Results for matt 18-20

Found 81 Results for matt 18-20
Mark 13

MARK. CHAPTER XIII. Christ's Discourse on the Last Days. SUMMARY.--The Destruction of the Temple Foretold. The Persecution of the Saints. The Gos...


Burial [N] [T] [E]Burial was a matter of great importance in the Old Testament. The story of Abraham's negotiation to purchase a cave for Sarah's buri...


Fruit [E]Terms and Meaning. Among the number of Hebrew words for fruit, fruit-producing, is peri, to bear fruit, be fruitful. The basic Greek word for...

Command, Commandment

Command, Commandment The term commandment in the Bible (mainly Heb. miswa [hw.xim]; Gk. entole [ejntolhv]) refers to orders or adjurations given by au...


Motives Motives pose at least a twofold dilemma: (1) the status of a good deed done for the wrong reason or an evil deed done with good (or even witho...

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ [S]By anyone's account, Jesus of Nazareth is the most significant person who has ever lived.He has influenced more lives and had more wri...


Punishment [N] [E]Earthly Punishment. The Old Testament. Early in Israel's history, guilt and punishment were understood to be communal. When Achan br...


Mission Basic Definition. Mission is the divine activity of sending intermediaries, whether supernatural or human, to speak or do God's will so that h...


Building [N] [E]From Sacred Space to Holy House The localized presence of God and God's glory among his people is central to the unfolding story of th...

Fast, Fasting

Fast, Fasting Abstinence from food and/or drink as an element of private or public religious devotion. Fasting is nowhere commanded in the Torah and, ...

Slave, Slavery

Slave, Slavery State of being subjected to involuntary servitude. It usually included being legally owned as property by another person. Slavery in th...


Justice [N] [T] [E](Heb. sedeq [q,d,x],mispat [f'P.vim];Gk. dikaiosyne [dikaiosuvnh]).God, the Righteous Judge. Justice is rooted in the very nature o...

Heaven, Heavens, Heavenlies

Heaven, Heavens, Heavenlies Heaven is the created reality beyond earth. The heavens and the earth ( Gen 1:1 ) circumscribe the entire creation, or wha...


Appoint The Old Testament. The basic meaning of appoint is either visit or establish or set in authority. The extension of visit carries the idea of a...


Vengeance [N]An injured party's desire for retribution or repayment from those who harmed him or to demonstrate his innocence against false accusation...

Mark 16

MARK. CHAPTER XVI. The Resurrection. SUMMARY.--The Women at the Tomb. The Empty Sepulcher. The Message of the Angel. Mary Magdalene Sees the Ris...

Appearance at the Sea of Tiberias

The apostles having returned to Galilee, the Lord appears to seven of them whilst engaged in fishing John xxi. 1-23. upon the lake. The miracle of th...


Suffering [N]The experience of physical pain and/or mental distress. The words and phrases in the Bible expressing this concept are too numerous to li...

Death of Christ

Death of Christ The Place in the Gospels. In the records of Jesus that the Gospels give us, it is clear that a place of supreme significance is given ...


Noah [N] [H] [S]rest, (Heb. Noah) the grandson of Methuselah ( Genesis 5:25-29 ), who was for two hundred and fifty years contemporary with Adam, and ...