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Christmas: The Only Gift Everyone Really Needs

Christmas in America is mostly about gifts given and received. But Christmas is really about the gift no one seeks but everyone needs....

Why Is It So Important That God Sent His Only Begotten Son?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

This verse expresses God’s love for humanity and his plan for redemption. It is the gospel summed up in one sentence. God loves us the way we are, but loves us enough not to leave us the way we are. T...

Fence Your Heart, Not Just Your Behavior

Have you fenced your heart? Have you tried to stay inside of behavioral boundaries only to have climbed over them again and again?...

4 Reasons Why Pastors Needs a Good Pastor Friend

Ron Edmondson

Every pastor needs at least one good pastor friend. I’m thankful to serve and have served in churches with a good number of staff members I consider not only co-laborers, but friends. It’s a blessin...

How We Can Be Sure That “the Lord Is Close to the Brokenhearted”?

Jessica Brodie

When trials comes, it’s hard to escape the pain and suffering that usually follows, whether it’s physical pain or emotional and spiritual. Tears may course down our cheeks, while loneliness, anguish, ...

How Does Abraham Offering Isaac Help Us Trust God?

Debbie W. Wilson

Many of us who grew up in church know the story of Abraham and Isaac. After waiting his entire long life for a promised son, God finally provides Isaac. A few years later, He commands Abraham to sacri...

Why Does Jesus Say, "No One Is Good Except God Alone"?

Blair Parke

Even though Jesus was God in the flesh, He still pointed people back to the fact that His goodness came only from God, and He was only a vessel to make God’s goodness come alive to all....

Big Grace

If the Bible's description of us is accurate, then God's grace is our only hope. Thank God that He has given us big grace! ...

Let's Break It Down - What Is the Great Commission?

Mike Leake

I stumbled upon a statistic the other day that was a little shocking to me, but let me set it up for you so you can share in my shock. Millennials are known for activism. You can see this reflected in...

Your Pride Is Not the Only Problem

Paul E. Miller

There’s a running joke in Christian circles that the answer to every Sunday school question is “Jesus.” In a similar way, “pride” has become the reflexive Evangelical Christian answer to why we sin. ...

Be Encouraged That God Looks at Our Heart, not Outward Appearances

Lisa Loraine Baker

We humans cannot do anything with complete purity because our sinful hearts lead us into areas of vast sin, and there is only one way they can be fixed: Jesus Christ. He is the only way toward a pure ...

What Should Christians Know about Religious Pluralism?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

People who believe in religious pluralism may have problems with Christians saying Jesus is the only way to God. But for what reason?...

God's Greatest Gift

Matthew Harmon

Here in this simple phrase we have mysteries so great that the angels desperately long to understand. In a nutshell, the greatest gift that God gives us is himself. But in order for us to understand t...

Is Jesus Really the Only Way to Heaven?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus is the only way a person will enter heaven. In these days of conformity and inclusivity, however, people rail against anything exclusive. Yes, Jesus is exclusively the only way to heaven, b...

10 Common Idols in Our Lives and How to Resist Them

Jennifer Slattery

Idolatry. This ancient yet modern sin fuels countless heartaches and frustrations. It destroys jobs and relationships and distances us from God, the only One worthy of worship. The only One able to ...

8 Reasons We Don’t Read the Bible Like We Should

Jeff Anderson

My wife and I have four children, with our oldest in college and youngest in elementary school. Helping them develop their own walk with God is on our minds—a lot! So are questions about why so many y...

The Wonderful Implications of God Being Our “Abba Father”

Blair Parke

It is likely that most Christians have heard God referred to as “Abba Father” throughout their lives: in prayers, at church, while reading the Bible in quiet time, etc. However, God&rs...

How the Armor of God Is Meant for Crises Like Coronavirus

Dawn Wilson

When times of crisis come, such as the pandemic of the coronavirus, Christians need a strategy for coping not only physically, but also spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. We might think the physi...