Search Results for ps 31-32

Found 40 Results for ps 31-32
Revelation 14:5

in their mouth Scripture implicates the mouth as the organ which speaks forth the heart: ?Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things...

Revelation 3:21

overcomes See Who is the Overcomer? sit with Me They will sit with Him and share His rule in the same way He sits at the right hand of the Father and ...

Revelation 2:26

he who overcomes See Who is the Overcomer? keeps my works Jesus spoke of the need for endurance, especially as lawlessness would abound and the love ...

11.5. Millennial Reign of Messiah

The book of Revelation describes saints who are resurrected at the beginning of the Millennial Kingdom. They sit on thrones and judgment is committed...

5.1. The Motivation

To understand the Campaign of Armageddon, we need to grasp the full sweep of the pattern of rebellion against God which characterizes the history of ...

Revelation 2:10

you are about to suffer The Smyrnaeans were about to enter a time of testing. God often warns his servants prior to a time of trial (Eze. Eze. 2:3-7;...

Revelation 14:1

In the previous chapter, the future looked very bleak for the saints. The Beast arose from the sea, empowered by the dragon, and was given authority o...

Revelation 17:16

the ten horns which you saw on the beast The TR stands alone in having the ten horns on the beast. Both MT and NU texts say ?the ten horns which you s...

Homily 31

Homily XXXI.Homily XXXI. Hebrews xii. 14.-Follow peace with all men, and holiness,(1) without which no one shall see the Lord.[1.] There are many thin...

Proverbs 10

Chapter?10Hitherto we have been in the porch or preface to the proverbs, here they begin. They are short but weighty sentences; most of them are disti...


Footnotes(1 )Luke xi. 10.(2 )Prov. xvii. 28, lxx.(3 )Is. ii. 3, lxx.(4 )Phil. iii. 14.(5 )i.e., confessed or denied himself a Christian. The Benedicti...


Footnotes(1 )He came in with a slow and stately step; he spoke with a broken utterance, sometimes with a kind of disjointed sobs rather than words. He...

Book II.

Book II.Book II.This book can hardly be said to form part of a dialogue. It is rather an argument from Scripture to prove the point of the Augustinian...

Homily LIV.

Homily LIV.Homily LIV. John viii. 31, 32.-Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on Him, If ye continue in My word, then are ye My disciples ind...

Psalms 35

Chapter?35David, in this psalm, appeals to the righteous Judge of heaven and earth against his enemies that hated and persecuted him. It is supposed t...

The Westminster Standards and the "Larger Hope"

XII. THE WESTMINSTER STANDARDS AND THE LARGER HOPE1 The doctrines of Calvinism formulated in the Westminster Standards are represented by many perso...

Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2. OF FAITH. THE DEFINITION OF IT. ITS PECULIAR PROPERTIES. This chapter consists of three principal parts.--I. A brief explanation of certai...

Hosea 4

Chapter 4Prophets were sent to be reprovers, to tell people of their faults, and to warn them of the judgments of God, to which by sin they exposed th...

Homily XL.

Homily XL.Homily XL. John v. 31, 32.-If I bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true; there is another that beareth witness of Me, and I know that...

1 Samuel 15

Chapter?15In this chapter we have the final rejection of Saul from being king, for his disobedience to God?s command in not utterly destroying the Ama...