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4 Important Principles from the Book of Esther

Ron Edmondson

I love the story of Esther. If you haven’t read it lately, you can do so HERE. Here are the four principles I’ve observed from the story of Esther:...

The Spiritual Gifts in Ephesians 4:11: Bible Meaning

Alan Knox

The focus is not on these specific spiritual gifted individuals, but instead the focus is what Christ does through any gifted individual....

4 Amazing Things We Can Learn from the Woman at the Well

Stephanie Englehart

Just as the Samaritan woman did not fully understand who Jesus was at first, we also need Jesus to open our eyes to the reality of who He is. It is only in Jesus that we will be saved from our sins an...

4 Crucial Reasons You Should Commit to Church Each Week

Chris Russell

Not long ago, I was reminiscing with a pastor friend of mine about the previous couple decades of our ministries.  We both noted how commitment to the church seems to be at an all time low. A...

4 Powerful Lessons from the Life of Hagar

Kelly-Jayne McGlynn

A lonely, abused, single mother and slave girl who encounters God so intimately that she is the only person in the entire Bible who gives God a name – that is the legacy of the incredible woman we lea...

Why Should We Pray?

Prayer is so vital to all that God wants to do on the earth, and it is so essential to us, that He commands us to do it all the time. Here are a few reasons why....

6 Reminders for Facing Temptation Like Jesus

Micah Maddox

Jesus gives us the example to follow in the face of temptation through His own temptation in the wilderness. He had fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and His flesh was weak. Mentally I cannot imagine t...

Who Were Adam and Eve's Children?

G. Connor Salter

Adam and Eve were the first humans on earth, created in the very image of God. The Lord commanded them to be fruitful and multiply, and the Bible does mention a few of their children. So just what do ...

What We Can Learn From 1 Timothy 4:4-5 Today

Jenna Martin

Does Paul really mean everything is good and permissible as long as it is received in the context of thanksgiving?...

Why is God Called "Holy, Holy, Holy"? Revelation 4:8 Explained

Hope Bolinger

In Revelation 4:8, readers stumble across a verse that says, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty.” Popularized in worship songs, this short passage in the last book of the New Tes...

How Can We Live So Christ Is Glorified because of Us?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The key for us as believers is to be the people God created us to be! No longer are we to be conformed to the norms of the world, but we are to be transformed, living a life pleasing to Him who called...

7 Reasons We Have Trouble with Gluttony (and 4 Tips to Help Us Win Over It!)

Dr. Roger Barrier

Dear Over-eater, I have never taken an accidental bite of my food in my life. Unfortunately, I’ve taken too many bites. I, too, have too much fat. Nevertheless, I feel somewhat qualified to answer thi...

4 Miracle Prophecies Christians Should Know about Israel

Adrian Rogers

"Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion, for the time to favor her, yea, the set time is come. For Thy servants take pleasure in her stones and favor the dust thereof. So the heathen shall fear the...

What Are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

Bethany Verrett

During the seven years of tribulation, the Bible warns of seven seals, the fourth of which, when broken, will cause four great creatures to call forth four riders, who carry with them conquest, war, f...

4 Steps to Forgiving Yourself for Past Mistakes

Frank Santora

Many people struggle with the effects of their past mistakes, such as saying words in haste or anger that damage relationships, or making life-altering decisions which ended in failure or disappointme...

4 Prayers for Those Who Are Job Hunting

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

As you can tell from the title, this is an article about prayers for those hunting for a job. Before I get to the prayers, I need to establish some points so the prayers below will make more sense.&nb...

4 Life-Changing Ideas about Bible Study

John D. Barry

Imagine having access to God anytime you wanted. Well, you do... through the Bible. Now, let’s go through 4 steps to take Bible study from dull to incredible....

4 Powerful Prayers to Protect Your Marriage from Divorce

Gina Smith

As believers, it does not matter who we are, what we do for a living, or how long we have been a Christian; none of us are immune to the enemy's vicious attacks in our lives or marriages. Satan is on ...

Advent Readings and Scriptures to Read as Family Each Week

Hope Bolinger

Advent: four weeks that lead up to the holiday of Christmas. Many churches will light a different candle each week to represent joy, hope, peace, etc. as we remember about the true meaning of the seas...

10 Powerful Principles to Endure Suffering

Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Suffering will indeed come, but God can give us grace and power to overcome every trial and to fulfill our purpose and mission in His kingdom. In his second epistle to Timothy, the Apostle Paul shares...