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Found 410 Results for torah
Romans 2:14
14 For whenever Gentiles, who have no Torah, do naturally what the Torah requires, then these, even though they don't have Torah, for themselves are Torah!
Romans 2:12
12 All who have sinned outside the framework of Torah will die outside the framework of Torah; and all who have sinned within the framework of Torah will be judged by Torah.
1 Corinthians 9:21
21 With those who live outside the framework of Torah, I put myself in the position of someone outside the Torah in order to win those outside the Torah - although I myself am not outside the framework of God's Torah but within the framework of Torah as upheld by the Messiah.
James 4:11
11 Brothers, stop speaking against each other! Whoever speaks against a brother or judges a brother is speaking against Torah and judging Torah. And if you judge Torah, you are not a doer of what Torah says, but a judge.
Romans 7:23
23 but in my various parts, I see a different "torah," one that battles with the Torah in my mind and makes me a prisoner of sin's "torah," which is operating in my various parts.
Proverbs 28:4
4 Those who abandon Torah praise the wicked, but those who keep Torah fight them.
Psalms 1:2
2 Their delight is in ADONAI's Torah; on his Torah they meditate day and night.
1 John 3:4
4 Everyone who keeps sinning is violating Torah - indeed, sin is violation of Torah.
Romans 2:23
23 You who take such pride in Torah, do you, by disobeying the Torah, dishonor God? -
Galatians 3:21
21 Does this mean that the legal part of the Torah stands in opposition to God's promises? Heaven forbid! For if the legal part of the Torah which God gave had had in itself the power to give life, then righteousness really would have come by legalistically following such a Torah.
Romans 3:31
31 Does it follow that we abolish Torah by this trusting? Heaven forbid! On the contrary, we confirm Torah.
Romans 9:31
31 However, Isra'el, even though they kept pursuing a Torah that offers righteousness, did not reach what the Torah offers.
Luke 14:3
3 Yeshua spoke up and asked the Torah experts and P'rushim, "Does the Torah allow healing on Shabbat or not?"
1 Timothy 1:8
8 We know that the Torah is good, provided one uses it in the way the Torah itself intends.
Romans 7:7
7 Therefore, what are we to say? That the Torah is sinful? Heaven forbid! Rather, the function of the Torah was that without it, I would not have known what sin is. For example, I would not have become conscious of what greed is if the Torah had not said, "Thou shalt not covet."v
John 7:19
19 Didn't Moshe give you the Torah? Yet not one of you obeys the Torah! Why are you out to kill me?"
Ezekiel 43:12
12 This is Torah for the house: the whole surrounding area on the mountaintop will be especially holy. This is Torah for the house."
Romans 5:13
13 Sin was indeed present in the world before Torah was given, but sin is not counted as such when there is no Torah.
Joshua 8:34
34 After this, he read all the words of the Torah, the blessing and the curse, according to everything written in the book of the Torah.
Romans 2:25
25 For circumcision is indeed of value if you do what Torah says. But if you are a transgressor of Torah, your circumcision has become uncircumcision!