Search Results for charge to keep

Found 10 Results for charge to keep
Illustration: Gratitude, Generosity

Stinginess really is not a very becoming quality in anyone--especially when we owe the debt of a saved life....


In 1936 an advertising executive in Philadelphia, Philip Klein, founded the Friday the 13th Club. Its members are committed to defying old superstitions. They walk under ladders. They break mirrors. T...

7 Things We Regularly Get Wrong about Worship

Joe McKeever

Listen as the congregation files out of the sanctuary on Sunday, and you'll hear the common refrain: "I didn't get anything out of ___ [fill-in-the-blank] ___."...

When Pastors Fail to Practice what they Preach

Prior to the revelations concerning Teg Haggard, Ray Pritchard received an email from a woman distraught about repeated pastoral problems in her local church. Her words speak for multitudes who have b...

When You Are Misunderstood

Assumicide happens when you make false assumptions about others so that you can portray them in the worst possible light. Ever happen to you?...

Preaching on Sensitive Subjects

I thought I was the first to discover this technique of dealing with controversial issues from the pulpit. But it turns out this little find of mine has been unearthed many times in the past....