Search Results for savior

Found 64 Results for savior

Senator Jim Talent says he prayed to trust Jesus as his Savior in response to an invitation he heard on the radio. The Missouri Republican gave his Christian testimony at a National Day of Prayer eve...

Intercessory Prayer

Eighteen-year-old Hudson Taylor wandered into his father's library and read a gospel tract. He couldn't shake off its message. Finally, falling to his knees, he accepted Christ as his Savior. ...


In his book Dare To Believe, Dan Baumann shared some thoughts about crucifixion that should deepen our gratitude for what the Savior did for us. He wrote, "The twentieth century has forgotten how cr...

Promises Concerning Afflictions

Stepping Stones Years ago a small group of Japanese believers were hackled and abused whenever they assembled to worship the Savior. But the persecutors could not shake the faith of the new converts. ...

Call To Ministry

"Those who are truly sent by God . . . are marked by the fact that they are faithful to the message of the Gospel, exalting the Lord Jesus Christ, proclaiming to men the good news of salvation through...


Hum the First Line My husband and I were enjoying an impromptu concert of Sunday school songs from our grandchildren, Jacey, 7, and Jessica, 4. After they'd run through their repertoire, Jacey began m...


Hum the First Line My husband and I were enjoying an impromptu concert of Sunday school songs from our grandchildren, Jacey, 7, and Jessica, 4. After they'd run through their repertoire, Jacey began m...

Sermon Illustration: Christmas

President Calvin Coolidge was often called “Silent Cal.” It has become part of the legend of the man. Although, he wasn’t silent about Christmas. Here is what he said as his Christmas message in 1927:...

Evangelism, Witness

Years ago, a new Christian named Albert McMakin, 24, loaded his pickup truck with friends, taking them each night to an evangelistic campaign in his city. You may never have heard McMakin's name; but...


In a recent “Wizard of Id” comic strip, the watchman calls out, “Who goes there?” A voice in the darkness answers back, “I’m a man of the cloth looking for sinners.” The watchman countered, “Well, you...

Christ Our Cornerstone

David Livingstone once wisely remarked: He is the greatest Master I have ever known. If there is anyone greater, I do not know him. Jesus Christ is the only Master supremely worth serving. He is the o...

Illustration: Prayer

“My point is this: One of the best ways to develop your prayer life is to be attentive to the changes and growth that are occurring in your life as a result of prayer. The more you grow, the more you ...

Death, Sought

Isaac Asimov tells the story of a rough ocean crossing during which a Mr. Jones became terribly seasick. At an especially rough time, a kindly steward patted Jones on the shoulder and said, "I know, s...

Promised Of God

Claim It Dr. F.B. Meyer learned the secret of appropriation when he was addressing a large group of children who became very unruly. On the verge of losing his temper, he prayed in his heart, "Thy pat...


In 1914, a man named Ernest Shakelton placed the following words in a newspaper ad: "Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honor and recogn...

To Illustrate: Conviction

Recently some of Anne Rice's fans were shocked that she had returned to the Catholic faith of her childhood....

Zeal for the Cross

Dorothy Sayers wrote, "It is curious that people who are filled with horrified indignation whenever a cat kills a sparrow can hear that story of the killing of God told Sunday after Sunday and not exp...

Training Of Children

Too Cold for His Image I once saw, lying side by side in a sculptor's workshop, two heads made of metal. One was perfect. All the features of a manly, noble face were clear and distinct. The other, ho...