Search Results for titus 1

Found 7 Results for titus 1
How Can Young Pastors Disciple Older Believers?

Here are three tips I have found helpful from myself going to pastor a church at the age of 29 where most the members were between the ages of 70-90 years old....

The Three Voices of God

How can we hear from God? And what if the counsel we're getting seems to contradict?...

When Pastors Fail to Practice what they Preach

Prior to the revelations concerning Teg Haggard, Ray Pritchard received an email from a woman distraught about repeated pastoral problems in her local church. Her words speak for multitudes who have b...

Bible and Bible Reference Survey 2007

Each year brings a continuing flow of various study bibles and this one has been no different. Some such Bibles seem merely to be the result of marketing efforts, but others are truly helpful....