Search Results for repentance

Found 4561 Results for repentance
Matthew 3:8

Matthew 3:8 Bring forth therefore fruits That is, if you are truly penitent, if you have a proper sense of sin, and true repentance for it, do such wo...


Repentance [N] [T] [B]There are three Greek words used in the New Testament to denote repentance. The verb metamelomai is used of a change of mind, ...

Luke 24:47

Luke 24:47 And that repentance and remission of sins Which are the sum of the Gospel ministry; see ( Acts 20:21 ) the doctrine of repentance is not of...

Luke 16:30

They will repent (metanohsousin). The Rich Man had failed to do this and he now sees that it is the one thing lacking. It is not wealth, not poverty,...

2 Corinthians 7:9

Now I rejoice (nun cairw). Now that Titus has come and told him the good news from Corinth ( 1?Thessalonians 2:12 ). This was the occasion of the nob...

Luke 13:5

Except ye repent (ean mh metanohshte). First aorist active subjunctive, immediate repentance in contrast to continued repentance, metanohte in verse ...

2 Timothy 2:25

2 Timothy 2:25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves To the truth; resist it and deny it; or contradict some other tenets and principle...

Hebrews 6:6

Hebrews 6:6 If they shall fall away This is not supposed of true believers, as appears from ( Hebrews 6:9 ) nor is it to be supposed of them that they...

Acts 17:30

Acts 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at Not that he approved of, or encouraged such blindness and folly, as appeared among the Gentil...

Acts 11:18

Acts 11:18 When they heard these things Peter's vision at Joppa, and Cornelius's at Caesarea, and the wonderful pouring forth of the Spirit upon these...

Acts 5

Chapter 55:19? But the angel of the Lord by night opened the prison doors, and brought them forth, and said, angel (See Scofield Hebrews?1:4) . 5:31? ...

Luke 5:32

Luke 5:32 I came not to call the righteous Such as the Scribes and Pharisees were in their own apprehension, and in the esteem of others, who trusted ...

Luke 3:12

Luke 3:12 Then came also publicans to be baptized Being convinced under John's ministry of the evils of their past life, and desirous of being admitte...

Mark 1:4

Mark 1:4 John did baptize in the wilderness Of Judea, ( Matthew 3:1 ) , where he first appeared as a preacher; and is the same wilderness Isaiah has r...

2 Corinthians 7

CORINTHIANS. CHAPTER VII. The Effect of Paul's First Letter at Corinth. SUMMARY.--Paul's Freedom of Speech to the Corinthians. His Anxiety Until T...

Acts 19:4

Acts 19:4 Then said Paul In reply to their answer, understanding them that they were baptized by John, he takes it up, and gives an account of John's ...

Luke 5:32

To repentance (ei metanoian). Alone in Luke not genuine in Mark 2:17 ; Matthew 9:12 . Only sinners would need a call to repentance, a change of min...

2 Corinthians 7:10

For godly sorrow (h gar kata qeon luph). For the sorrow according to God (God's ideal, verse 1?Thessalonians 9 ). Worketh repentance unto salvation ...

Two Books Concerning Repentance. Introduction.

Two Books Concerning Repentance. Introduction.Two Books Concerning Repentance. Introduction.These two books were written against the Novatian heresy, ...


REPENTANCE re-pen'-tans: I. OLD TESTAMENT TERMS 1. To Repent--to Pant, to Sigh 2. To Repent--to Turn or Return II. NEW TESTAMENT TERMS 1. Repent-...