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Found 471 Results for job
3 Powerful Reasons a Mother’s Behind-the-Scenes Faith Matters

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

We often think the heroes in life are the people who do great and courageous acts, and rightfully so. These people often make great sacrifices, many times without knowing whether their actions will ev...

When Life Knocks You Off Balance, Cling to Faith

Frank Santora

“For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, A...

3 Powerful Examples of Godly Leadership

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

“Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal.” – Susan WardWhether you realize it or not, we are all called to lead. For some, your leadership responsib...

How Can We Honor God Through Our Jobs?

Sheila Alewine

Have you ever thought about the work that you do from God’s perspective? Unless you’re blessed to be doing your “dream job,” most Monday mornings you’d rather turn over in your bed and sleep a few ext...

Healthy, Biblical Tips for Dealing with Conflict

Frank Santora

Conflict is an inevitable part of life, whether it’s conflict in marriage, on the job, with a friend or family member. It’s so inevitable that it happens at times when you’d least expect it to. For ex...

Why It's Important to Know God Doesn't Make Mistakes

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

You must get to the place of knowing God doesn’t make mistakes. If you never get there, then your faith will ultimately crumble. As we probe deeper into this thought let me share with you three things...

What Is God’s Purpose for Our Family?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Family is an important concept in the Bible. God instituted family when He created Eve as a helpmeet for Adam. The rest of the Bible speaks of family in its various roles, and most important is the ch...

8 Unsolved Mysteries in the Bible

Aaron Brown

Learning Scripture is like learning any subject in school. Practice makes perfect. But before you practice, you have to learn, and everything you learn begins with a question.What happens when there i...

What Is a Prophet?

Heather Adams

“Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7).Many mentions of prophets are made in the Bible. In fact, a section of the Old Testament is ...

How El Roi Helps Us Deal with Anger

Frank Santora

And let’s be real, one of the emotions we often feel stirring up in our hearts when we believe God sees everything, is anger that, if He sees it all – all the tragedy, all the needless suffering – the...

How Can We Cultivate a Spirit of Reverence in Today's World?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Certain biblical words take on extra spiritual “weight” in the light of their object. Reverence is one such term. ...

7 Tips to Encourage Your Youth Leaders

Allie Boman

Those who work with middle- and high-schoolers are some of the greatest unsung heroes around. They are called to lead young people into a vibrant relationship with Christ, and they often carry their...

What Does "Wait on the Lord" Really Mean?

Allie Boman

What did Isaiah mean when he wrote those words: “wait upon the Lord”? What would it feel like to have eagles’ wings at a time like this? To put it simply, it all boils down to wh...

Why Did God Flood the World?

Ed Jarrett

It would be easy to read this and see a God who was caught off guard by how sinful humanity had become. A God who became so angry that he decided to wipe out the whole mess and start over again. But i...

4 Indications That a Church Is Making Disciples

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

What would you think of a mom who gave birth to her baby and then said “my job is done, you are on your own?” You would probably think that mother is irresponsible and possibly unfit to be a mother. Y...

7 'Churchy' Words That Christians Don't Understand

John McKinley

Occasionally I find myself in a conversation with a non-Christian friend. Sometimes, I have to pay close attention to the language I use if the talk turns to things related to God and ultimate reali...

5 Things That Can Cause Us to Drift Spiritually

Chris Russell

Several years ago a friend of mine took his wife and kids to the ocean for a week of R&R. While they were there, they purchased a small, inflatable boat for recreational use on the beach. One da...

The Sin We Like to Ignore - Jealousy

Bethany Verrett

The feelings of the heart are both godly and wicked. Some emotions spur people together in brotherly love, compassion, and worship. Others root individuals in stubbornness, disdain, and pride. One suc...

Running Wild with Hope

Russ Ramsey

As his parents watched Jesus mature, they couldn’t help but see his Nazareth years as a time of preparation for a calling they knew would inevitably lead him away from them....

Is Fear about Pandemic a Sin?

Cortni Marrazzo

The COVID-19 pandemic is eliciting a lot of different emotions and reactions for many people, and one of the most common is fear. Fear of catching the virus, fear of dying or having a family member di...