Search Results for lots

Found 87 Results for lots
Does the Bible Condemn Casting Lots?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Casting lots was a practice that was used in the ancient world to attempt to decipher what was the divine will in a particular matter. Because the outcome produced by casting lots was random, the resu...

4 Sobering Lessons from the Tragic Tale of Lot’s Daughters

Sheila Alewine

I don’t believe it’s an oversight that God did not tell us the names of Lot’s two daughters. Their story is inextricably linked to their father’s actions and has implications not only for young people...

Why Was Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas?

Hope Bolinger

Jesus originally chose 12 disciples out of his many followers. But after Judas betrayed Jesus and eventually killed himself, there was a hole in that original number. So, the remaining disciples praye...

7 Good Reasons for You to Leave a Church

Brett McCracken

Discerning the Good from the Bad In our consumer society, where prevailing wisdom says we should be loyal to products or brands only insofar as our needs and tastes are satisfied, it can be easy for c...

Is Gambling a Sin?

Jessica Brodie

While the Bible doesn’t specifically contain the word “gambling,” a number of passages urge good financial stewardship and warn against being foolish with money or wasteful/get-rich-quick scenarios....

The 4 Best Pieces of Marital Advice I Ever Heard

Mark Altrogge

I’ve been doing a good bit of premarital counseling lately, and I’ve married quite a few folks over the years. There’s lots of great advice in the Bible and other books, but here are 4 pieces of advic...

Is It a Sin to Question God?

Melissa Henderson

Have you ever questioned God? Perhaps a prayer wasn’t answered in the way you wanted or at the time you desired. Have you ever wondered if questioning God is a sin? Our daily lives can be filled with ...

What Is Noah's Ark and What Does It Teach about Who God Is?

Jeannie Myers

About 1700 years after He created the earth, God covered it with a great Flood. Every person, bird, and land animal drowned, except those on the ark. Noah’s ark was an enormous boat that safely carrie...

10 Surprising Teachings from Song of Solomon

Kristen Terrette

With so many biblical scholars disagreeing on interpretation, is it any wonder many find Song of Solomon confusing? Some say it’s a drama or musical, and elaborate that there are two or three ...

Why Do Christians Celebrate Easter?

Bethany Verrett

Every spring, Christians celebrate the most important date in their calendar. Easter is a celebration of life, rebirth, joy, and promises for the future - but these themes of Easter are not the purpos...

The Best Time to Plant a Tree

Maybe this is the year you want to plow some new ground spiritually. ...

6 Powerful Examples of Thanksgiving in the Bible

Bethany Verrett

There is so much to be thankful for in this life. God blessed humanity with a beautiful world to live in, the opportunity to have meaningful relationships with others, and the offer of eternal salvati...

Who Was Lot’s Wife and Why Did She Turn into a Pillar of Salt?

Bethany Verrett

Lot’s wife was perfectly content to go on living in two cities that so thoroughly rejected God, that her husband was the only righteous man in a valley filled with thousands of people. Her attachment ...

The Condition of Prayer Most People Overlook

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

It's a question that Christians have pondered over since the dawn of Christianity: how should we pray? The Bible is filled with incredible, powerful prayers. But depending on who you ask this question...

What We Can Learn From 1 Timothy 4:4-5 Today

Jenna Martin

Does Paul really mean everything is good and permissible as long as it is received in the context of thanksgiving?...

What Is Purim?

Valerie Fentress

Purim doesn't rank high on lists of famous Jewish holidays, but it's an important holiday that commemorates one of the most dramatic stories in the Old Testament: Esther saving her people from genocid...

What Does the Bible Say about Caring for Animals?

Debbie W. Wilson

Our nine-month-old standard poodle showed me what “sick as a dog” means. I called my husband to give the vet’s report. “Max will die if we don’t do surgery.” “A righteous man is kind to his beast...

How to Navigate the Holidays While Struggling with Depression

Heather Adams

With time, and lots of support, I’ve figured out that focusing on and celebrating what’s most important about this season helps me navigate the holidays with gladness rather than dread....

What Can Christians Learn from the Strange Verse that God Owns Cattle on a Thousand Hills?

Linda Lyle

Why is it important to remember that God owns cattle on a thousand hills? ...

11 Times the Old Testament Predicts Jesus' Birth and Death

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Modern readers tend to shy away from the concept of prophecy. But the Bible is holy. It is "God-breathed." We can trust every word it contains. How? Because it makes predictions that came true, some t...