Search Results for scripture*

Found 1615 Results for scripture*
Ditches and Canyons: How the Bible Helps with Contemporary Issues

Although the Bible does not give an exhaustive, step-by-step approach to modern problems, it does provide a comprehensive view of people and problems that allows us to wisely dive into the thorniest i...

5 Things You Won't Believe Are NOT in the Bible

Cindi McMenamin

Would you believe there are some secular sayings that sound so religious people often believe they came from the Bible?  These pieces of presumed Christian “wisdom” can sound bibl...

What is an Advent Wreath? How-to Guide for Celebrating Advent

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

Discover the purpose, symbolism, and history of the Advent Wreath used in the season of Christmas by Christians around the world....

20 Great Bible Verses for Kids to Memorize

Jessica Udall

The best time to start reading the Bible with your child is when they are in the womb. The second best time is today! We have been known by God even before we were born and were created to know Him....

What is a Life Verse and How Do I Choose One?

Blair Parke

Some may call it a motto they live by or a key piece of advice or saying from their parents that has always helped them out in any situation. For Christians, this advice is embodied in the term “life ...

How Can We See the Gospel in Exodus?

Mike Leake

Someone once asked me what is the most important tip you would give to a person first learning to read the Bible. My answer is simple. It’s all one big story that points to Jesus. This truth has revol...

Why We Should Reconsider What the Bible Really Says about Women in Ministry

Catherine Segars

Two scriptures are cited more than any other to silence women in the church. But what about the numerous other examples of female leadership in the Bible?...

If God Is Father, Who or What is Mother?

Hope Bolinger

Some people refer to God as "God the Mother." Or claim there is a mother figure in heaven. Is this biblical or heretical?...

25 Bible Verses to Memorize with Your Kids

Debbie McDaniel

One of the most powerful things we can do as parents is to teach our children God’s Word....

Was Satan Really an Angel?

Dale Chamberlain

Though he’s known by many names, the devil is still somewhat mysterious to us. Through the centuries, superstition and occultic practices have been mixed with biblical tradition to shape our cultural ...

7 Beautiful Psalms of Praise in the Bible

Jason Soroski

The Psalms are among the best-known and most-read sections of Scripture. In the Psalms, we are given testimonies of praise, lament, repentance, and worship. We are given a preview of who the Messiah w...

What Does the Bible Say about Racism?

Pamela Palmer

Scripture teaches that God created all human beings in his image. There is no exception to that, and being made in God’s image makes each person valuable and precious. There is no hierarchy of human b...

6 Powerfully Grateful People in the Bible

Emma Danzey

As we prepare for another year of celebration with Thanksgiving, we are going to look at gratitude lived out in Scripture. God gave us His Word so that we could learn from it and be changed by it and ...

10 Verses Everyone Thinks Are in the Bible...but Actually Aren't

Inside BST

Even though Western culture gets slapped with the “Post-Christian” label, that doesn’t mean references to biblical ideas have been scrubbed away. In fact, nods to Scripture show up quite often in pop ...

Have You Tried the SOAP Bible Study Method?

Emma Danzey

If we believe God at His Word, then we know that He has spoken to us. He is telling us that His Bible is His Word, and it still speaks today. It is useful to us, changes us, and prepares us to live ou...

What Does 'The Wages of Sin Is Death' Mean in the Bible?

Jason Soroski

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). This verse is arguably the most precise Gospel presentation in all of Scrip...

That's Not What That Means! 4 Verses We Misinterpret

Christine Carter

Do you ever find yourself struggling with a Bible verse and wonder what it really means? Perhaps you are quick to share a verse because it sounds good or simply because it’s popular. When Script...

32 Beautiful Bible Verses All Women Should Know

Pamela Palmer

The Bible is God’s living word that teaches, inspires, corrects, and builds up. When women of God approach Scripture, they can come with confidence that it will speak to every issue and worry they hav...

What Do We Know about the Nephilim?

Annette Griffin

Scholars have debated the Nephilim for ages. Did they really exist? Are they still around today? Scripture may not say much about them, but the events mentioning them are some of Biblical history’s mo...

What Happens When Christians Don't Know Ecclesiology?

Meghan Trapp

Churches often find themselves in trouble. Ecclesiology helps us understand what went wrong and where to go next....