Search Results for white as snow

Found 21 Results for white as snow
The Beautiful Symbolism of Snow in Scripture

Emma Danzey

Snow is the precipitation of winter. It helps to provide water that is soaked into the ground and used towards the spring blooms. In God’s goodness, He provides for the needs of the land and people th...

How to Avoid the Trap of Envy

Frank Santora

“A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones” (Proverbs 14:30).I heard a joke recently about two store owners who were bitter rivals. Their stores were directly across the street ...

How did Christ bring "Peace and Goodwill on Earth"? (Luke 2:14)

Association of Biblical Counselors

Many of us crave the image in our head of family coming close, friends getting together, and joy and peace marking each moment; yet the reality often looks very different. Why the difference?...

Why Is Blood So Important in Christianity?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

My prayer is we would even more proclaim the wonder and necessity of the blood of Jesus. Let us declare louder than ever before “O precious is the flow that makes me white as snow, no other fount I kn...

Why Is God Called the Ancient of Days?

Heather Riggleman

God has so many names in the Bible, and all of them teach us something important about His incredible character. The name Ancient of Days only appears three times, and all in the book of Daniel. But d...

Why Do We Avoid Reading Revelation?

Ed Jarrett

Revelation is the last book in the Bible and is a letter written to seven churches in what is today the country of Turkey. It was written by John at Jesus direction. Beyond that there are a wide var...

How Should We Celebrate Christmas at Church?

Lisa Loraine Baker

A fine line exists between worshipful music and performance. It’s the responsibility of the church leaders to make sure those in the Sanctuary are directed in thought and praise to Jesus, not in wonde...

Who Wrote Revelation?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Revelation is the last book in the Bible, and often, the last book people want to pick up and read. It's filled with mind-boggling imagery that can be frightening or hard to comprehend. But just who w...

The Jesus of Christmas Past, Present, and Future

Debbie W. Wilson

The thought of God entering the world as an infant is staggering. But that was only the beginning. Jesus’s mission always included the cross (1 Peter 1:18-20). The baby in the manger was the lamb of G...

What Is Hyssop and Why Is It so Significant in the Bible?

Heather Adams

Passages about hyssop in the Old Testament are connected to the blood of animal sacrifices. It represents God’s compassion on His people, how He is willing to reach down to save and heal us. Psalm 51 ...

Why We Must Understand That God Removed Our Sins “as Far as the East Is from the West”

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

This speaks volumes to what God chooses to do when he forgives our sin. God’s act of forgiveness towards us is purposeful and intentional. He chooses to display his mercy towards us in the act of forg...

What Does it Mean to Delight Yourself in the Lord? (Psalm 37:4)

Rhonda Stoppe

Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself also in the LORD and He shall give you the desires of your heart.” Since it is human nature to battle against self-worship, we are tempted to focus on ...

Did Moses Have Two Wives or Just One?

Hope Bolinger

Many of us have a slight familiarity with Zipporah, Moses' wife from Midian. But did he also marry a Cushite named Tharbis? ...

What Do We Learn from the Names of Jesus?

Andy Lee

There are over 50 names of Jesus in the Bible, which tell us vital things about his role in the kingdom of heaven and his qualities as God's son. Here's what we can learn from some of these names of J...

The Miracle of Manna in the Wilderness

Hope Bolinger

In the Old Testament, when the Israelites flee Egypt, they quickly find themselves despairing that they will starve in the wilderness. But God in his mercy sends them manna and quail. But, what exactl...

Why Is 'The Stone Was Rolled Away' so Essential to Christianity?

Jenna Brooke Carlson

When the stone was rolled away, Jesus proved he was who he said he was, the Son of God. The emptied grave showed the world he had risen from the dead....

Why Is It So Powerful That Jesus Washed His Disciples' Feet?

Emma Danzey

Right before the pinnacle of Jesus’ ministry here on earth (Maundy Thursday), He decided to take the place of a servant and wash His disciples’ feet. It is the picture of a teacher serving the student...

The Power of the Resurrection

Dena Johnson Martin

As we celebrate Easter, we celebrate the risen Savior. We celebrate triumph over sin and death. But how does it apply to our lives here on this earth?...

Is the Phrase "Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness" Biblical?

Amanda Idleman

Many times, widely known sayings can influence our thinking, but the saying themselves lack biblical truth. It’s important that we take the time to research the things we accept as true....

How Should Christians Respond to Persecution?

Frank Santora

Everybody doing anything for God still gets “stoned” some time. While not physically crushing, these stones of persecution can cause emotional pain and cause real damage, for example, loss of jobs, re...