Números 18:9

9 Esto será tuyo de la ofrenda de las cosas santas, reservadas del fuego; toda ofrenda de ellos, todo presente suyo, y toda expiación por el pecado de ellos, que me han de presentar, será cosa muy santa para ti y para tus hijos.

Números 18:9 Meaning and Commentary

Numbers 18:9

This shall be thine of the most holy things
For, as observed, there were some lighter and lesser holy things or sacrifices, and others superlatively so: and those are begun with, such as were [reserved] from the fire;
those parts of sacrifices which were not burnt with fire on the altar of burnt offerings: every oblation of theirs;
which is a general word, including various offerings, the particulars follow; every meat offering of theirs:
or bread offering, for they were made of fine flour and oil, and burnt on the altar, the remainder of which was eaten by Aaron and his sons, ( Leviticus 6:14-18 ) ; every sin offering of theirs;
which was offered to make atonement for sin, which also belonged to the priests and their sons, excepting such whose blood was carried into the most holy place, ( Leviticus 6:25-30 ) ; and every trespass offering of theirs, which they shall render unto
which was offered for a trespass committed; what remained of this also, when burnt on the altar, was eaten by the priest and his sons, ( Leviticus 7:5 Leviticus 7:6 ) ; and this sacrifice was a ram, when a trespass was committed, either in the holy things of the Lord, or in wrongs done to men, ( Leviticus 5:15 ) ( 6:6 ) ; Jarchi interprets it of an offering for a trespass committed by rapine or violence to a stranger: these, all of them, it is added, [shall be] most holy for thee and for thy sons;
for their use, and for theirs only.

Números 18:9 In-Context

7 Mas tú y tus hijos contigo guardaréis vuestro sacerdocio en todo negocio del altar, y del velo adentro, y ministraréis; porque yo os he dado en don el servicio de vuestro sacerdocio; y el extraño que se acercare, morirá.
8 Dijo más el SEÑOR a Aarón: He aquí yo te he dado también la guarda de mis ofrendas; todas las cosas consagradas de los hijos de Israel te he dado por razón de la unción, y a tus hijos, por estatuto perpetuo.
9 Esto será tuyo de la ofrenda de las cosas santas, reservadas del fuego; toda ofrenda de ellos, todo presente suyo, y toda expiación por el pecado de ellos, que me han de presentar, será cosa muy santa para ti y para tus hijos.
10 En el santuario la comerás; todo varón comerá de ella; cosa santa será para ti.
11 Esto también será tuyo: la ofrenda elevada de sus dones. Todas las ofrendas mecidas de los hijos de Israel, he dado a ti, y a tus hijos, y a tus hijas contigo, por estatuto de siglo; todo limpio en tu casa comerá de ellas.